Thanks for your answer Nuno. Yes, your notes correlates with my tests. I share 
your opinion about how Geofence should work. On DENY mode all layers and Layer 
groups should not be listed. When ALLOWing something only that should be listed.

I tested again the LIMIT rule. Now I was able to get only limited area for 
layer using postgis as a data store. Found this info 
https://github.com/geoserver/geofence/wiki/Main-concepts how this LIMITing 
The Action specifies the outcome of the rule, if matched (by the filter) and 
selected (according to priority).
The two main actions are ALLOW and DENY. If one of these actions is 
encountered, the outcome is straightforward.
There's also the LIMIT action. Limit ing rules add constraints to the final 
outcome, if it's an ALLOWaction. Constraints can be area constraints or access 
mode constraints.
In order to make it clearer, here is a skeleton of the rule selection mechanism:

  1.  Given a filter, read all matching rules;
  2.  Reading the rules in the proper priority order, check:
     *   if the action is limit, collect the constraints in this rule and go on 
examining the next rules
     *   if the action is deny, the request is not authorized.
     *   if the action is allow, the request is authorized; the collected 
constraints, if any, shall be merged and applied.
But with these helps I was not able to publish any raster image, I only get 
blank image.


Ville Jussila

Lähettäjä: Nuno Oliveira [mailto:nuno.olive...@geo-solutions.it]
Lähetetty: 12. elokuuta 2016 2:13
Vastaanottaja: Jussila Ville <ville.juss...@hel.fi>; 
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geofence - LayerGroups


Regarding layer groups doubts, GeoFence doesn't handle layers groups it will 
only control access to the layers that are part of a layer group.
This means that layers groups regardless of any data rule defined in GeoFence 
will always show up in the listed layers and capabilities documents.
However, GeoFence will control the access to the layers that are part of the 
layer group. For example, if we have a layer group made of three layers
(layerA, layerB and layerC) and the current user only has read access to layers 
B and C when the user try to visualize the group layer he will only
see data from layers B and C but no data from layer A. Does this correlate with 
your tests ?

I cannot really tell if this is the intended behavior or is just a missing 
feature. In my opinion if all the layers that are part of a certain layer group 
not visible the layer group should not be listed and if at least one layer of 
the layer group is visible the layer group should be listed. Maybe one of the
developers of GeoFence can join this discussion and provide a better feedback.

Regarding the area limit rule, the area limit restriction should work the same 
way for rasters and vectors. When defining a area limit rule we are
saying that when an user matches that rule he will only be able to access the 
defined area (a geometry filter will be applied). Sorry but I don't
understand what you mean by "Rule is successfully saved but without map 

Choosing between the embedded version and stand alone version will depend on 
your needs. As you say the stand alone version provide more
possibilities to configure the data rules (filter by IP, attributes access, etc 
..). The embedded  version will already be synchronized with the
GeoServer instance, although you may want to configure a backed database for 
production environments or you will need to do it anyway
for cluster environments. Behind the scenes the code used is the same, the 
embedded version UI just doens't give you all the possibilities
to configure data rules.

I hope this help.


Nuno Oliveira

Le mercredi 10 août 2016 à 07:35 +0000, Jussila Ville a écrit :
I’m running Geoserver 2.9.0 with embedded Jetty from Windows installer.

I have searched information about this topic and tested this by myself for a 
while without any success. Is it possible to control LayerGroups with GeoFence? 
I have tried both embedded and standalone versions without satisfying result, 
layerGroups are still visible with client. Connection between Geoserver and 
Geofence works fine. Notes below are from using Standalone version.

I have workspace “city” in Geoserver where I have built layers and layergroups. 
Layergroups are pointed to that “city”-workspace. The Layergroups are built 
with mode Single, Named tree and Container tree depending on its usage and some 
of them are nested. I have found this kind of behavior when limiting access 
with Geofence

Geofence: DENY everything on all workspace or DENY everything on “city” 

-          Only layergroups are visible but not accessible.

Geofence: ALLOW everything on all workspace or on “city” workspace for certain 

-          Layergroups and layers are visible and accessible for user with 
certain role.

-          Layergroups which are built with Single mode appears in correct 
Container tree Layergroup and also at the end of the list layers for user with 
certain role.

-          User without certain role for “city” workspaces layergroups are 
visible but not accessible.

Geofence: ALLOW one layer on “city” workspace for one user

-          All layergroups are visible but not accessible

-          One layer is visible and accessible

How does LIMIT parameter works for raster layers? Or for vector layers as well. 
I tried to define an area to be published from one certain raster layer. I used 
this Allowed Area parameter at Layer Limits

SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON (((24.94601815481079 60.133969115637946, 
24.945974007763702 60.160895510936726, 25 60.160906522783534, 25 
60.13398011556427, 24.94601815481079 60.133969115637946)))

Rule is successfully saved but without map output.

At the moment which version should be used, embedded or Standalone version? I 
found more parameters from LIMIT on Standalone which I think prefers to our 
purposes more.

Thanks for your answer

Best Regards

Ville Jussila
Cadastral Surveyor
City of Helsinki / Real Estate Department
City Survey Division / GIS office
puh. +358 9 310 31825 tai +358 40 350 9770


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