Hi Simone, 

Thanks for your response. I'll answer you in the same way:

On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 1:24 PM, David Alda Fernandez de Lezea <da...@hazi.eus> 
> Hi,
> I'm trying to publish some ecw rasters with the intention of vieweng 
> them in time context. I've read several resources
> http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/tutorials/imagemosaic_timeser
> ies/imagemosaic_timeseries.html 
> http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/data/raster/imagemosaic/tutor
> ial.html 
> http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/tutorials/imagemosaic_timeser
> ies/imagemosaic_time-elevationseries.html
> But I'm stilling failing to publish them, I got the time checkbox 
> disabled. I don't know if I'm doing it right... So I'll detail my 
> steps
>         - I've added the following to the GeoServer start
>                 -Duser.timezone=GMT and 
> -Dorg.geotools.shapefile.datetime=true

This means you want to use shapefile as an index.    ----> YES, this is my 
first approach and I feel more comfortable with this.

>         - I have a directory full of LANDSAT imagery in ECW format.

have you installed the gdal plugin? DO you have a valid ECW license? -----> 
Yes, we're currently serving 90 % of the data in ECW format. Working perfectly. 

>         - I've created :
>                 - indexer.properties
>                 - timeregex.properties
>         - I've published the Data store and then the layer
>         - Geoserver creates a shapefile. Ok, but without time field, so I 
> edited the shapefile and added the date-time field.
>         - I then restart Tomcat to see if it gets the changes I've 
> made but nothing seems to change
> Indexer Content
> TimeAttribute=ingestion
> ElevationAttribute=elevation
> Schema=*the_geom:Polygon,location:String,ingestion:java.util.Date,elev
> ation:Integer
> PropertyCollectors=TimestampFileNameExtractorSPI[timeregex](ingestion)
> Timeregex Content
> regex=[0-9]{8}
> Landsat names
> L5200030_03020010725_RGB

I would test this in one the Nthousand tools for regex to make sure it extracts 
what you need.  ------> OK, I know the expression it's not correct but at least 
it should fill the data/time field created with some data right? The thing is 
that is not filled with any data, and despite being empty, the checkbox 
shouldn't be enabled?  By the way, I had to manually create the data-time 
field, is that correct?

> What I'm doing wrong?

See points above, you might also want to send over a portion of the log with 
the errors.
To better investigate. ------->I'm currently not getting any error, just I'm 
not getting the TIME checkbox enabled in the Web UI. Right now I cannot provide 
you one log file, as soon as I can, I'll post some output while creating the 
datastore and the layer.

> Another question... Do I have to manually fill the date-time field in the 
> shapefile with the dates of the files or it's done automatically?

It's done automagically (if everything works :) ).


> Thanks in advance,
>  Regards,
> Agur bero bat,
> David Alda Fernández de Lezea
> Área de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, Planificación Territorial y 
> Forestal Informazio Geografikoen Sistemak, Lurralde eta Baso Antolaketaren 
> Arloa.
> da...@hazi.eus | www.hazi.eus
> T 945 003 240 - M 627 923 170 - F 945 003 290 Hazi | Granja Modelo de 
> Arkaute s/n | 01192 Arkaute - Araba
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