Makes sense, Andrea.

In this particular case the rules are as simple as can be - no filters or
scale dependency.  So that should be the easiest case to handle.

I can see how this could be hard to do for complex rules.  But then again,
if the rules are different, the Legend should probably show separate
entries for them.

Not sure I'll be able to rustle up funding to work on this, but I'll give
it a try.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Andrea Aime <>

> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 7:19 PM, Martin Davis <> wrote:
>> As I understand it, the recommended approach for producing "cased" lines
>> (e.g. for roads or polygon outlines) is to specify each different line
>> style in a separate FeatureTypeStyle.
>> However, this seems to produce Legend graphics with the different line
>> styles on separate lines.  (See attached map tile and legend).
>> Is this a known issue?  Any workaround or fix?
> Well know issue. Fix is not trivial (not at all), but I have something in
> mind.
> So, the two feature type styles are painted separately, and might be
> completely unrelated... like, for example, two feature type styles
> could be used to z order features that should appear in the back and in
> the front.
> So one would have to compare rules in higher FTS with the lower ones, and
> if they are a match, merge the
> symbolizer from the higher FTS with the lower rules, making the higher fts
> rule disappear.
> Basically, restructure the SLD so that you end up with a single FTS.
> The tricky part is defining what a "match" is. In general, it's taking the
> filters of the two rules, combining them,
> and determining that they are not "logically empty". The
> SimplifyingFilterVisitor has some symbolic evaluation
> capabilities, but they are limited and sometimes expensive.
> I think you can imagine how this can easily spiral out of control with
> very complex styles (having many FTS layers).
> Still, I'd give it a try, maybe trying to constrain the application of
> this logic to some "sane-ish" simpler case.
> Cheers
> Andrea
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