On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Gavin Medley <med...@unavco.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using 1.1.0. Shouldn't the axis order be defined by the EPSG official
> WKT string? Am I correct in thinking that order[1] and order[2] specify the
> coordinate order?
OGC took its dear time to make things clear on this, WFS 1.1 happened
midway when the axis order storm blew up (and I'm
partially to blame cause I raised exactly your question, shouldn't WGS84 be
in lat/lon order?).
When that happened everybody on the user side quietly assumed a "sane"
"east/north" order for everything, in GeoServer we tried to
keep both parties happy by adopting the following policy
Basically, legacy naming, east/north, new naming, EPSG database suggested
order instead.
Deegree seems to have followed suit,
There is currently no way to get EPSG suggested axis order with the old
EPSG:XYWZ syntax, nor any plan to add one
(but with funding or contribution, that might still happen, as a
configuration flag for those that want to impose strict behavior).
Mind, the axis order issue is far from being solved, even today and with
the latest OGC specs:
- Some outputs only work and make sense in east/north order, and the
spec allows no official way to get them (e.g, shapefile, but also, geojson
and, hear hear, geopackage, and by spec too, see
- I'm constantly asked by customers how the heck one can get east/north
data out of the latest specs (thankfully we have a way)
- Large installations on big companies guide their users to force a
lon/lat order, see for example
- Some epic blog posts raised the issue among disgruntled people:
Long story short, in these conditions, it's best not to take sides and
allow both desired behaviors (in the two different camps) to happen.
If you're in the "pure OGC" camp feel free to contribute an extra
configuration flag to get your GeoServer installation to force EPSG order
no matter what the syntax is, it will be welcomed (by some, at least :-p ).
See a guide to get new features in here:
Hopefully one day OGC will wake up and realize that depending on the
context and background both axis orders make sense/are needed, and will
create a syntax allowing to advertise the order without assuming a local,
or network accessible copy of the EPSG database, and an official way to ask
the data in the preferred order.
Hope this helps
Andrea Aime
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit http://goo.gl/it488V
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