Good morning!

I have a layer that has 4 different styles:

-       cite:CP.CadastralParcel.Default
-       cite:CP.CadastralParcel.LabelOnReferencePoint
-       cite:CP.CadastralParcel.BoundariesOnly
-       cite:CP.CadastralParcel.ReferencePointOnly

The layer is in the workspace "inspire", but I can't assign the same workspace 
to the styles (my user only has permissions to admin "inspire" workspace, so 
the combobox for the workspace in the SLD form is disabled).

If I add the WMS service to QGis I can see the the layer in the default style. 
But, if I pick the other styles, I get this error:

<ServiceException code="StyleNotDefined">No such style: 

Any idea why this is happening? I don't have access to the logs, sorry.

I'm using GeoServer 2.11.1

Best regards!

Óscar Diago Alonso
Desarrollador GIS / GIS Developer

Tel: +34 945131372 e-mail:
Calle Pintor Clemente Arraiz, 3 Bajo 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Geograma.  Expertos en GeoInformación


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