Hi Darell,
as you said, the imagePyramid is basically a set of imageMosaics: an
ImageMosaic for each pyramid level.
Therefore, each level should have its own indexer and, optionally, a
datastore.properties if you want to catalog the granules into a DB instead
of default shapefile.

When using DB instead of shapefile, you may want to use a single database
(as an instance, "pyramid") and store each level granule's index into a
different schema name. Therefore, the datastore.properties of each level
should define a different schema name, as an instance:

pyramid/0/datastore.properties contains a "schema=level0" property
pyramid/1/datastore.properties contains a "schema=level1" property
pyramid/2/datastore.properties contains a "schema=level2" property

Note that you should create the schemas (with "CREATE SCHEMA levelx" sql
statements) in advance on your DB, before configuring the imagePyramid
store in GeoServer.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Darell van der Voort <darell...@gmail.com>

> Hi Peter,
> Thank you for the examples, very helpful! Using a indexer.xml indeed seems
> like a better set-up. Have you ever tried this in combination with the
> imagepyramid plugin? I know that the imagepyramid are basically just
> imagemoasics per folder level. However as the folder structure is different
> it causes some problems. My folder structure looks like:
> /geoserver/data/workspace/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>/0/.tiffs
> /geoserver/data/workspace/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>/1/.tiffs
> /geoserver/data/workspace/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>/2/.tiffs
> etc..
> Where the numbers stand for the pyramid levels which are filled with
> multiple tiffs, the indexer.properties and the foldername.properties. I put
> tiffs from different dates in the same folder and use a unique date in the
> filename. Should I put the indexer.xml and datastore.properties in each
> pyramid directory? I can try it later this week and will let you know if it
> works.
> Kind regards,
> Darell
> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 11:43 AM, Peter Kovac <
> peter.ko...@microstep-mis.com> wrote:
>> I usually configure ImageMosaic for time-series plain GeoTIFF granules so
>> my advice might not be 100% accurate but I hope it helps anyway.
>> Firstly, your schema seems wrong to me: you have two types specified for
>> ingestion - java.util.Date and a Double after that. Perhaps another
>> attribute of double type is missing or the :Double part should be deleted.
>> Otherwise, I recommend using indexer.xml instead of indexer.properties
>> for configuration. In your case it might look like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
>> <Indexer>
>>    <domains>
>>       <domain name="ingestion">
>>          <attributes><attribute ref="timeCollector">ingestion<
>> /attribute></attributes>
>>       </domain>
>>    </domains>
>>    <schemas>
>>       <schema name="default">
>>         <attributes>*the_geom:Polygon,location:String,ingestion:java
>> .util.Date</attributes>
>>       </schema>
>>    </schemas>
>>    <coverages>
>>       <coverage>
>>          <name>your_coverage_name</name>
>>          <schema ref="default"></schema>
>>          <domains>
>>             <domain ref="ingestion"/>
>>          </domains>
>>       </coverage>
>>    </coverages>
>>    <collectors>
>>       <collector name="timeCollector">
>> <value>regex=([0-9]{14}),format=yyyyMMddHHmmss,fullPath=true</value><!--
>> configure according to your time format-->
>>          <spi>TimestampFileNameExtractorSPI</spi>
>>          <mapped>ingestion</mapped>
>>       </collector>
>>    </collectors>
>>    <parameters>
>>         <parameter name="AbsolutePath" value="true" /><!-- if true, then
>> database table will contain full paths in location column -->
>>         <parameter name="Caching" value="false" />
>>         <parameter name="CanBeEmpty" value="false" />
>>         <parameter name="IndexingDirectories"
>> value="/path/to/directory/to/be/indexed" /><!-- this path might be
>> relative if you know current working directory of your GeoServer/Tomcat
>> instance -->
>>         <parameter name="Name" value="your_coverage_name" /><!-- this
>> value is used as the name of the database table -->
>>         <parameter name="Recursive" value="true" /><!-- true if path
>> specified in IndexingDirectories needs to be traversed recursively which I
>> guess is your case -->
>>         <parameter name="TimeAttribute" value="ingestion" /><!-- your
>> time dimension attribute is called ingestion -->
>>     </parameters>
>> </Indexer>
>> Usually my ImageMosaic folder structure is like this (/opt/geoserver_data
>> * the indexer.xml and datastore.properties files are in a
>> /opt/geoserver_data/data/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>
>> * there is a subdirectory, usually with a date tree structure for storing
>> granules from separate days in separate directories:
>> /opt/geoserver_data/data/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>/tiff/YYYY/
>> MM/DD/some_file_YYYYMMDDHHmss.tiff
>> * in indexer.xml I have *Recursive *parameter set to
>> *true ** I usually use absolute path to the tiff directory as
>> *IndexingDirectories* parameter value, e.g.
>> /opt/geoserver_data/data/<IMAGEMOSAIC_DIRECTORY>/tiff
>> Finally, if I encounter any problems during ImageMosaic creation I ensure
>> to:
>> * set GeoServer logging to VERBOSE
>> * drop any database table created (ImageMosaic will refuse to create
>> store if a table with the same name already exists), along with index and
>> metadata (if using Oracle)
>> * try it again and look into the log (usually the problem is not revealed
>> in the last stacktrace in the log, but in some before last)
>> * if it doesn't help or I still cannot figure out what is wrong I launch
>> Eclipse debugger and examine what EXACTLY is wrong (I used it a lot until I
>> figured out how to properly configure time parsing regexes)
>> Regards,
>> Peter Kovac
>> On 29. 9. 2017 10:40, Darell van der Voort wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> This is my indexer.properties configuration:
>> Caching=false
>> TimeAttribute=ingestion
>> Schema=*the_geom:Polygon,location:String,ingestion:java.util.Date:Double
>> PropertyCollectors=TimestampFileNameExtractorSPI[timeregex](ingestion)
>> And this is my 0.properties which is automatically generated for the
>> lowest zoomlevel (0):
>> #-Automagically created from GeoTools-
>> #Wed Sep 27 14:50:18 UTC 2017
>> MosaicCRS=EPSG\:32617
>> Levels=0.062,0.062
>> Heterogeneous=false
>> TimeAttribute=ingestion
>> AbsolutePath=false
>> Name=0
>> TypeName=0
>> Caching=false
>> ExpandToRGB=false
>> LocationAttribute=location
>> SuggestedSPI=it.geosolutions.imageioimpl.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReaderSpi
>> CheckAuxiliaryMetadata=false
>> LevelsNum=1
>> So like I said, the plugin automatically configures level 0 to the
>> PostgreSQL DB if I add the datastore.properties files, but refuses to do so
>> for other levels if I add the datastore.properties file to the folder
>> levels. If I do not add the datastore.properties file to the additional
>> levels, the plugin automatically creates a shapefile for these levels,
>> while using the DB connection for level 0. This combination works, even
>> with a time dimension. However I would like to use the DB connection for
>> all levels and use unique table names in the DB.
>> Kind regards,
>> Darell
>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Peter Kovac <
>> peter.ko...@microstep-mis.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Darell,
>>> can you post your indexer.xml configuration for the imagemosaic?
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter Kovac
>>> On 28. 9. 2017 9:59, Darell van der Voort wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> I'm running Geoserver 2.11.2 on Java 1.8.0_144 32 bits on Amazon Linux
>>> together with Tomcat 9. The plugins I have installed are imagemosaic,
>>> imagepyramid, GeowebCache (internal) and Geofence.
>>> When using the imagemosaic plugin I am able to use a Postgresql DB for
>>> storing the granules and time dimension via a datastore.properties file.
>>> The file looks like:
>>> SPI=org.geotools.data.postgis.PostgisNGJNDIDataStoreFactory
>>> schema=database_schema_name
>>> Loose\ bbox=true
>>> Estimated\ extends=false
>>> validate\ connections=true
>>> Connection\ timeout=10
>>> preparedStatements=true
>>> jndiReferenceName=java:comp/env/jdbc/postgis
>>> Which work as expected. However when I add the same file in the
>>> imagepyramid datastructure, this setup fails. When I add this
>>> datastore.properties in just the lowest level (0) then that level gets
>>> configured in a database table, while the higher levels are configured
>>> using a shapefile. When I add a datastore.properties to all levels,
>>> geoserver returns the following error:
>>> 2017-09-28 07:39:40,780 ERROR [gce.imagemosaic] -
>>> java.io.IOException
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicConfigHandler.create
>>> GranuleCatalogFromDatastore(ImageMosaicConfigHandler.java:406)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicConfigHandler.create
>>> Catalog(ImageMosaicConfigHandler.java:329)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicConfigHandler.buildC
>>> atalog(ImageMosaicConfigHandler.java:962)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicConfigHandler.indexi
>>> ngPreamble(ImageMosaicConfigHandler.java:941)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker$Mosa
>>> icDirectoryWalker.<init>(ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker.java:109)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker.run(
>>> ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker.java:197)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.Utils.createMosaic(Utils.java:460)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.Utils.checkSource(Utils.java:1336)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicReader.initReaderFro
>>> mURL(ImageMosaicReader.java:532)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicReader.<init>(ImageM
>>> osaicReader.java:479)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicFormat.getReader(Ima
>>> geMosaicFormat.java:504)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid.Utils.checkSource(Utils.java:200)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid.ImagePyramidReader.<init>(Imag
>>> ePyramidReader.java:177)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid.ImagePyramidFormat.getReader(I
>>> magePyramidFormat.java:249)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagepyramid.ImagePyramidFormat.getReader(I
>>> magePyramidFormat.java:56)
>>> at org.geoserver.catalog.ResourcePool.getGridCoverageReader(Res
>>> ourcePool.java:1511)
>>> at org.geoserver.catalog.ResourcePool.getGridCoverageReader(Res
>>> ourcePool.java:1441)
>>> at org.geoserver.catalog.impl.CoverageStoreInfoImpl.getGridCove
>>> rageReader(CoverageStoreInfoImpl.java:59)
>>> .....
>>> at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.r
>>> un(TaskThread.java:61)
>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
>>> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>> at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:264)
>>> at org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.ImageMosaicConfigHandler.create
>>> GranuleCatalogFromDatastore(ImageMosaicConfigHandler.java:389)
>>> ... 160 more
>>> Is it possible to configure the granules of all levels in the database?
>>> And if so, how would my datastore.properties file look like? Like I said,
>>> it works fine for the lowest level (0) but it fails for all the levels
>>> above. If it may not be possible, is it sufficient to use the shapefiles as
>>> an index for the granules? The geoserver is used in a production
>>> environment and I am worried about performance issues when using the
>>> shapefiles as index.
>>> Furthermore the imagepyramid automatically names the table after the
>>> level folder (0). This folder and table name are automatically created when
>>> configuring the datastore. Is there a way to custom name the folder and
>>> thus the table name? Otherwise I could end up with multiple '0' tables in
>>> the same schema.
>>> Many thanks!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Darell
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>>> Geoserver-users mailing list
>>> Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to 
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>>> - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
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>>> http://geoserver.org/comm/userlist-guidelines.html
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>>> --
>>> Peter Kovac
>>> IMS Programmer
>>> microstep-mispeter.ko...@microstep-mis.com
>> --
>> Peter Kovac
>> IMS Programmer
>> microstep-mispeter.ko...@microstep-mis.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Daniele Romagnoli
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Ing. Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer

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