Thanks very much for that. I am quite happy with a fixed axis order in returns 
but my problem was trying to find out what axis order to use when assembling a 
polygon cql filter in the client where the client cannot control what EPSG are 
in use. I didn't realize the axis order could be part of the definition. I see 
from that registry that one of the other EPSG code that tend to use is also 
east, north. I see that I am going to have to write code to query and assemble 
based on whatever the native projection is in Geoserver. Very good to know!

From: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) []
Sent: Thursday, 28 June 2018 18:29
To: Phil Scadden <>; GeoServer Mailing List List 
Subject: Re: Baffling different behaviour with respect to axis-order between 
EPSG:3031 and EPSG:2193 (and geometry in CQL Filter)


The axis order of EPSG:3031 seems to be officially easting-northing
while EPSG:2193 is using northing-easting order

In valid GeoJSON the coordinates are always in easting-northing or 
longitude-latitude order. Use GML3 if you want to study the axis order in the 
response. And WFS 1.0.0 is not axis-aware but it behaves like GeoJSON.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Phil Scadden []
Lähetetty: 28. kesäkuuta 2018 7:53
Vastaanottaja: GeoServer Mailing List List 
Aihe: [Geoserver-users] Baffling different behaviour with respect to axis-order 
between EPSG:3031 and EPSG:2193 (and geometry in CQL Filter)

Short statement. 1.1.0 queries against 3031 need long/lat. Same kind against 
2193 need lat/long (as per documentation).

Anything special about polar projections?

Long statement:
This is a working query against an EPSG:2193 layer:
cql_filter: INTERSECTS(the_geom, POLYGON((5746568.950286176 1694143.7308257942, 
5750237.927643864 1694143.730825794, 5750237.927643863 1690474.7534681011, 
5746568.950286174 1690474.7534681007, 5746568.950286176 1694143.7308257942)))
maxFeatures: 1000
outputFormat: application/json
request: GetFeature
service: wfs
srsName: EPSG:2193
typeNames: NWP_Lithofacies_4_Ma__lWo_
version: 1.1.0

Not obvious unless you know the coordinate system, but the axis order for the 
polygon is lat/long which seems correct for WFS version of 1.1.0.
Geometries returned are in long/lat order.

However, this is a working query against ESPG:3031
cql_filter: INTERSECTS(the_geom, POLYGON((438268.2059849124 
-1301158.8151743845, 438268.2059849127 -1298360.2509553954, 435469.6417659225 
-1298360.2509553959, 435469.6417659226 -1301158.8151743864, 438268.2059849124 
maxFeatures: 1000
outputFormat: application/json
request: GetFeature
service: wfs
srsName: EPSG:3031
typeNames: gns:ATA_geological00_units_West
version: 1.1.0

The polygon coordinates are in long/lat , not lat/long! Furthermore, if you 
change version 1.0.0 it still works whereas the 2193 query above does not.
Returned geometries are in long/lat as above.

Both layers are on the same 2.11.0 geoserver.

Can anyone shed any light on what is going on? It certainly make client-side 
code challenging.
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