
"Is it possible to decide which users can access which features in a layer?"
I'm using the following solution for postgis datastore/layer:

  * set a Session startup SQL (and session close-up SQL) in the
    datastore. This will set a variable with the current GeoServer user.
    e.g. startup "SELECT set_config('myapp.user', '${GSUSER,geoserver}',
    close-up "SELECT set_config('myapp.user', '', FALSE)
  * create a sql view, restricting the returned records with the set
    variable (current_setting('myapp.user', TRUE))
    normally you would have an additional table in your database with
    mapping of usernames to records/spatial entities


Am 29.10.2018 um 12:36 schrieb Nanaso via Geoserver-users:
> Hi,
> Thanks a lot Nuno for your reply.
> There are two issues:
> 1- The Geofence extention can satisfy my needs in the following way: I
> have an attribute in my layer called "user_name", I can check if the
> logged in username equals to this attribute, then I will allow the
> logged in user to access this feature, and vise versa.
> The problem is how to get the current logged in username. Is there an
> environment varaible that holds the current logged in user?
> 2- The other issue is regarding installation of Geofence. I've tried
> to install version 13 of Geofence extention in a Geoserver of version
> 13, it works fine, but the place where I should enter the CQL filter
> is not exist. According to the documentation:
> https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/geofence-server/gui.html#rule-page
> There should be a place to specify the CQL fitler for read and write.
> But it looks like this part of the configuration doesn't exist in
> version 13 of Geofence.
> I've then tried to install verison 14 of Geofence in a veriosn 14 of
> Geoserver, but the server failed to launch with many exceptions. My
> machine is Mac OS High Sierra. And here you're the exceptions I
> recieve when launching geoserver after adding Geofence to it:

Dipl.Ing. Stefan Overkamp
tel: 02052 / 814184
mobil: 0177 / 7976159

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