Hi list,

I'm trying to do a transformation of two tables from Postgres (see below) to a 
target XML schema 
Most of my data is in one table (plu_spatialplan) where the columns can be 
directly renamed in an one-to-one relationship.
But I have a few targets in the XML schema (e.g. SpatialPlan.member.href) which 
have a 0-to-many relationship. To handle this situation I create a join in hale 
studio between my main table (plu_spatialplan) and the table 
plu_zoningelement_member, which has the values that should be mapped to the 
SpatialPlan.member.href target.

This all seems to work just fine in Hale Studio. And if I output the 
transformed data as GML, everything again seems fine.
But when I export the alignment to Geoserver (as an Application Schema) via the 
Direct Upload option, I get a new dialogue, which requires me to chain the two 
tables (they are already joined in Hale Studio context).
In this dialogue the plu_spatialplan table has the CONTAINER role and the 
plu_zoningelement_member table has the NESTED role, which seems right, as I 
want each row in plu_spatialplan data to hold more than one element from 

But when choosing the Target Type I do not have the option to choose 
SpatialPlan.member.href as the Target Type. In fact I can't choose anything but 
SpatialPlan.ordinance.OrdinanceValue, which doesn't seem to have any relation 
at all to the join I'm performing.

So I'm stuck and would love to hear from anyone having experience mapping 
INSPIRE data in Hale Studio, using two or more tables with a join and uploading 
the alignment to Geoserver/Application-Schema

CREATE TABLE plu_spatialplan
  gmlid character varying(4000),
  inspireid_localid character varying(4000) NOT NULL,
  inspireid_namespace character(61),
  extent1 geometry,
  officialtitle character varying(51),
  levelofspatialplan character(69),
  plantypename character(64),
  beginlifespanversion timestamp(6) with time zone,
  endlifespanversion character(17),
  validfrom timestamp(0) without time zone,
  validto character(17),
  alternativetitle character varying(37),
  processstepgeneral character(71),
  backgroundmap character(17),
  ordinancedate timestamp(0) without time zone,
  ordinancereference character(16),
  CONSTRAINT plu_spatialplan_pkey PRIMARY KEY (inspireid_localid)

CREATE TABLE plu_zoningelement_member
  plan_inspireid_localid character(36),
  member_href character varying(4000),
  CONSTRAINT plu_zoningelement_member_plan_inspireid_localid_fkey FOREIGN KEY 
      REFERENCES plu_spatialplan (inspireid_localid)


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