Having a look at the docs I did not see information about the parameter I
was asking you to change.

Pull request updating the docs is here
<https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/3546> (page is here
if you would like to provide your feedback (and the page
Jody Garnett

On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 at 10:27, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That is interesting, can you try changing your PostGIS connection
> parameter settings and uncheck "Support on the fly geometry
> simplification" ? Perhaps the simplification is dynamically producing an
> invalid geometry which is failing to intersect?
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 01:24, Riga n <riga0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I need to place my piechart on Geoserver WMS SLD as <PointSymbolizer> for
>> my multipolygon layer (PostGIS table). But rather than using centroid of
>> each row as placement, I need to use centroid of [intersection [my polygon
>> geom, wms_bbox] ]. Hence the piechart shall be placed on centroid of
>> appearing part of polygon.
>> My old question (https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/273534/18383) asked
>> about this and I got a brilliant answer saying that I have to use
>> <PointSymbolizer> instead of <TextSymbolizer>. The answer even suggests a
>> <Geometry> element in SLD to achieve what I want. It works!
>> Below is the proof (using US States map included in Geoserver as SHP).
>> [image: PANNING_US_STATE.png]
>> The problem is, it works when I tried it with US States map (included in
>> Geoserver as SHP).
>> But it does not work with:
>>    1. US States PostGIS table (imported from the SHP included in
>>    Geoserver), even all rows are valid geometry
>>    2. My multipolygon PostGIS table (all rows are valid geometry as well)
>>    3. My SHP exported from my above multipolygon PostGIS table
>> The error with my multipolygon PostGIS table is as follows
>> code="internalError"Rendering process failed side location conflict
>> [(136.81917785227373, -4.9082450034714, NaN) ]
>> The error with US States PostGIS table is slightly different:
>> code="internalError"Rendering process failed found non-noded
>> intersection between LINESTRING ( -76.446869 37.457966, -76.461136
>> 37.255432 ) and LINESTRING ( -76.704681 37.418491, -76.337318
>> 37.177009999999996 ) [ (-76.46093617561398, 37.25826870233377, NaN) ]
>> So to nail down the problem I tried to dig into the log of GeoServer and
>> PostgreSQL. First I set GeoServer log to VERBOSE_LOGGING and set
>> PostgreSQL log_statement = 'all'.
>> Then I re-create the thing in GeoServer layer preview and got the above
>> error message. Then I check PostgreSQL log to find what did GeoServer query
>> to Postgres. Interestingly if I run the logged query, there's no error at
>> all in PostGIS, smooth. But GeoServer log got error on that point.
>> So conclusion so far:
>>    1. there's error in GeoServer rendering engine while getting
>>    normal/valid response from PostGIS
>>    2. SHP has better success rate than PostGIS table (proven by using
>>    the same US State map as explained above).
>> Now the question: how to fix this? Did i miss something?
>> My playing ground:
>>    - GeoServer 2.14.3 (with chart extension)
>>    - Apache Tomcat 8.5.32 Server
>>    - Windows 10 Pro 64-bit on Xeon E5-1660 3GHz, 32GB memory
>>    - PostgreSQL 9.6.11, PostGIS 2.5
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