

I am not sure if anyone is interested in this but I have managed to make this 

However, I cannot get the OGC version of the filter to work at all when you 
multiply a denominator by a constant. See previous emails below…


So I switched my efforts to using a CQL_Filter. 


median_tot_fam_inc_weekly > 0.0 AND median_mortgage_repay_monthly > 0.0 AND 
((median_mortgage_repay_monthly / (median_tot_fam_inc_weekly * 4.3333333)) * 
100) >=30 AND ((median_mortgage_repay_monthly / (median_tot_fam_inc_weekly * 
4.3333333)) * 100) <= 80


This also failed when you multiply a denominator with a constant. I know this 
because I changed the formula to not have a multiplier on a denominator in the 
equation and it finally worked.


median_tot_fam_inc_weekly > 0.0 AND median_mortgage_repay_monthly > 0.0  AND 
((median_mortgage_repay_monthly / median_tot_fam_inc_weekly) * 23.076923) >= 30 
AND ((median_mortgage_repay_monthly / median_tot_fam_inc_weekly) * 23.076923) 
<= 80


I may go back and try this solution with the OGC version.




Brad Spencer

Managing Director

mob: 0404 841 131

BradArt <> 








From: Brad Spencer <> 
Sent: 06 April 2020 11:08
To: '' <>
Cc: 'Brad Hards' <>; 'GeoServer Mailing List List' 
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-users] SLD on Geoserver




I am back on this again. I tried your isBetween option and I am still getting a 
geoserver rendering problems. 

Part of stack trace = ‘Rendering process failed to 
evaulate class org.geotools.feature.type.AttributeDescriptorImpl in a numeric 
context Details:’


I even changed the formula around to see if the multiplication of a denominator 
could be the problem to yield a weekly percentage instead which also failed.


























So given I just cannot get this to work and given that this is a simple two 
part filter (range) requiring only one colour classification I have decided to 
shift my tack on to a CQL filter. Hopefully that will work.




Brad Spencer

Managing Director

mob: 0404 841 131

BradArt <> 







From: Andrea Aime < 
<> > 
Sent: 29 March 2020 03:45
To: Brad Spencer < <> >
Cc: Brad Hards < <> >; GeoServer 
Mailing List List < 
<> >
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] SLD on Geoserver


Hi Brad,

I don't have your dataset, so could not use a 1-1 reproduction, but adapted 
your original style, plus my suggestion,

to the topp:states sample dataset (included in the default installation of 
GeoServer), calculating a percentage of

employed people, and painting red only the states having between 45% and 65% 


The style is:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns=""; 
xmlns:xsi=""; version="1.0.0" 
xsi:schemaLocation=" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd">
      <Title>braddles tester7</Title>
          <Name>Employed between 45% and 65%</Name>
              <CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</CssParameter>
              <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>


and the resulting map is:



Appears to be working here. I cannot imagine why something similar would not 
work in another dataset... maybe if you can share

a sample of the data, some of us here can load it up and give it a spin






On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 2:01 PM Brad Spencer < 
<> > wrote:



I can’t see anything wrong with the data. I can inspect polygons that should be 
rendered but which are not.


I am wondering is there is any other way in Geoserver to show percentage ranges?


Cheers, Brad….




From: Brad Hards < <> > 
Sent: 28 March 2020 09:24
To: 'Brad Spencer' < <> >; 
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-users] SLD on Geoserver


I think its more likely that there is something in the source data that isn’t 
being accounted for.


I’d look there next. What are the mean, range, stddev of the data in the 
database? Are there nulls?




From: Brad Spencer < <> > 
Sent: Saturday, 28 March 2020 8:11 AM
To: 'Brad Hards' < <> >; 
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-users] SLD on Geoserver




When I try to find the polygons below 30% as you suggested I do not get the 
reverse of polygons above 30%.


This is really weird as it would appear to me that the 
<PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo> and for that matter the <PropertyIsLessThan> are 
not working correctly at least not on my version of Geoserver, or the Ands are 
not configured correctly.


I get the same results testing via the geoserver app where I loaded a style 
with the same sld.


Cheers, Brad…


From: Brad Hards < <> > 
Sent: 27 March 2020 09:13
To: 'Brad Spencer' < <> >; 
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-users] SLD on Geoserver


It sounds (to me) like your SLD is not matching your data – we can’t see the 
data of course, but if you change your analysis to be all polygons below 30% 
(just keep the first check, and use PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo), does it look 
right? Do you get anything?





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Regards, Andrea Aime == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf 
Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa (LU) 
phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
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