The output has the correct projection but as it is WFS 2.0.0 it uses a new
style of CRS description (exactly which is controlled in the WFS settings)
the problem is the QGis doesn't understand them so you need to tell it what
the projection actually is. This is the one (and only) time it is safe to
use the Set Projection option on a QGis layer.

I suspect the quick and dirty fix is to change the setting for GML3.2 to
EPSG Codes and then look to fix QGis.


On Wed, 6 May 2020 at 16:19, Cliff Patterson <> wrote:

> I am using Geoserver 2.15.2 and making a request to export data in
> shapefile format using the following URL:
> &version=2.0.0
> &request=GetFeature
> &outputFormat=shape-zip
> &srsName=EPSG:26917
> &BBOX=-82.22789,42.95715,-82.09450,42.96317,EPSG:4326
> &typename=workspace_name:layer_name
> When loading the result into QGIS, it has an "Unknown CRS" but the data
> align properly with EPSG:26917 (the desired output CRS). Likewise, if I set
> the srsName parameter to EPSG:4326, the resulting layer as an "Unknown CRS"
> but the data align with EPSG:4326.
> Note that the native CRS for this layer is EPSG:3857 and it is
> reproejected to the declared CRS of EPSG:4326.
> How can I make sure the exported data have the correct EPSG assigned?
> Many thanks,
> Cliff
> --
> Cliff Patterson Ph.D.
> *PSD* | Senior GIS Consultant
> P: 519-690-2565 ext. 2616
> London | 148 Fullarton St. 9th Floor
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