Dear all,

I want to publish some raster layers (WMS) in Geoserver 2.18.0. My goal is to 
publish these data with an WMS service. The service and the data should meet 
the INSPIRE- requierements. For the data I'm using the raster mosaic and the 
inspire extension in geoserver. The layers are already configured.

I used the INSPIRE validator ( for 
testing the service.

But for testing the GetMap_Operations the validator gives me some errors :

- A GetMap was requested without mandatory parameter 'VERSION' and the service 
did not throw an exception.

- A GetMap was requested without mandatory parameter 'CRS' and the service did 
not throw an exception.

- A GetMap was requested without mandatory parameter 'TRANSPARENT' and the 
service did not throw an exception.

- A GetMap was requested without mandatory parameter 'STYLES' and the service 
did not throw an exception.

I think for every parameter there is obviously the same issue. The service does 
not return an OWS Exception report.

Are there any possibilities to fix these issue(s) in geoserver?

Any hints or ideas are welcome

Best regards

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