Hi all,

We are running Geoserver 2.17.1 in Azure as a Docker image in Kubernetes. The 
Docker image is based on the official Tomcat images. The log files of Geoserver 
are using a custom logging profile, that limits log files to 10mb and rolls the 
files to keep a maximum of 4 log files, Geoserver.log, Geoserver.log.1 etc. We 
notice that sometimes, Geoserver.log.3 becomes locked. In that case, the other 
log files are becoming bigger and bigger, ultimately ending with the Geoserver 
pod crashing because it runs out of memory.

The log file properties is identical to PRODUCTION.properties, with two extra 
lines added:

Has anyone else experienced this behavior, and found a solution for it, since I 
can’t find anything online about it? We are in the progress of upgrading to 
Geoserver 2.18.2, but that’s a slow progress unfortunately.

Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,

Bart Zwemmer
Technical Manager  [cid:image001.png@01D73C45.45BB9410] 

M: +31(0)642 343 911
E: b...@gisspecialisten.nl<mailto:b...@gisspecialisten.nl>


Van Deventerlaan 31-51 | 3528 AG Utrecht | +31 (0)85 7 325 825

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