I'm seeing blank parts along either the top and/or left sides when
requesting an image with some bounding boxes and sizes.  The layer is a
time-enabled imagemosaic, which is in EPSG:4326, and covers the globe at a
resolution of 1/8th degree resolution.  Increasing the requested area
slightly makes the area which was blank filled in.

Here's a WMS call which exhibits the problem:

I can provide the sld and a geotiff used for this if someone wants to delve
into this.

I'm running geoserver 2.16.2 with tomcat8 on Ubuntu 16.04, using JAI:EXT
for all operations except Lookup because of the known issue with that one,
which causes a similar but worse version of this problem.  I also tried
running geoserver 2.18 back in January, but time-enabled imagemosaic layers
did not work well at all in that version.
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