Hi Stefan,

Thanks for getting back to me on this issue.  I see you are using a
slightly different approach with
than what I've configured.

I have been using the LDAP authentication provider which is documented
In versions 2.15.2 and prior this has worked well.  In the
configuration, I included the roles from our internal LDAP server that
were assigned to users that should have GeoServer administrator
privileges ( UDEV-BDA-Dev in my case).   GeoServer would look up the
groups from my LDAP and like you describe, prepend "ROLE_" to the
group and save it off in the "Granted Authorities" list.   Logging
would show GeoServer connecting to our LDAP server retrieving a list
of groups I was part of, and granting me Authorities for each with
"ROLE_" prepended to each group returned.  This LDAP lookup stopped
finding any roles from our configured LDAP server once I installed
GeoServer 2.15.3.  I'm providing the same "LDAP Authentication
Provider" details to both versions 2.15.2 and 2.15.3, but get no group
results from the LDAP query for any version after 2.15.2.  I'm
guessing something changed between these versions, but can't pinpoint
what it is and how I need to update my configuration to get GeoServer
to see the LDAP roles again.

I did try your method, and created a role service in geoServer.
Unfortunately GeoServer still doesn't appear to find any roles from my
LDAP, when I login, I don't see the admin options in GeoServer, my
user is only granted "ROLE_AUTHENTICATED" authority .  I don't know
how to debug this any further.


On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 3:53 AM Stefan Overkamp <overk...@posteo.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> in my configuration I have additional:
>   <allGroupsSearchFilter>cn=*</allGroupsSearchFilter>
> (defaults to cn=*) and
>   <user>cn=huhu,dc=geodaten,dc=de</user>
>   <password>GANZGEHEIM</password>
> Also, see 
> https://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/security/usergrouprole/roleservices.html
> Groups are extracted from a specific LDAP node, configured as the Groups 
> search base. A role is mapped for every matching group.
> The role will have a name that is built taking the Group common name (cn 
> attribute), transformed to upper case and with a ROLE_ prefix applied.
> There is no ROLE_ prefix in your example
>   <adminGroup>UDEV-BDA-Dev</adminGroup>
>   <groupAdminGroup>UDEV-BDA-Dev</groupAdminGroup>
> My configuration example:
> <org.geoserver.security.ldap.LDAPRoleServiceConfig>
>   <id>-ceba2b8:15ecc57126b:-445f</id>
>   <name>Geodaten Rollendienst</name>
>   <className>org.geoserver.security.ldap.LDAPRoleService</className>
>   <serverURL>ldaps://geodaten.de:636/dc=geodaten,dc=de</serverURL>
>   <groupSearchBase>ou=ogc_dienste</groupSearchBase>
>   <allGroupsSearchFilter>cn=*</allGroupsSearchFilter>
> <groupSearchFilter>member=cn={0},ou=user,dc=geodaten,dc=de</groupSearchFilter>
>   <userFilter>member=cn={0},ou=user,dc=geodaten,dc=de</userFilter>
>   <useTLS>false</useTLS>
>   <useNestedParentGroups>false</useNestedParentGroups>
>   <maxGroupSearchLevel>0</maxGroupSearchLevel>
>   <bindBeforeGroupSearch>true</bindBeforeGroupSearch>
>   <adminGroup>ROLE_ADMIN</adminGroup>
>   <groupAdminGroup>ROLE_GRUPPEN_ADMIN</groupAdminGroup>
>   <user>cn=huhu,dc=geodaten,dc=de</user>
>   <password>GANZGEHEIM</password>
> </org.geoserver.security.ldap.LDAPRoleServiceConfig>
> Stefan
> Am 29.04.2021 um 14:16 schrieb Brandon M:
> Hi GeoServer Users,
> We recently upgraded to a new version of GeoServer, 2.16.2 from 2.12.2
> (I know we are a little behind the curve).  We have GeoServer
> configured to use our internal LDAP for user login, and assign users
> GeoServer ADMIN privileges based on their LDAP groups, which is
> configured under Security -> Authentication -> LDAP Authentication
> Provider section of the GeoServer console.  The LDAP group lookup
> performed by GeoServer stopped working when we upgraded, the LDAP
> authentication still works as it did before the upgrade.
> I did some additional testing and found that this issue started in
> version 2.15.3.  I read the release notes for 2.15.3 and didn't see
> anything that would explain why the lookup and handling of LDAP roles
> would be any different between 2.15.2 and 2.15.3.  The LDAP
> Authentication setup page in GeoServer does have a new "Enable
> Hierarchical groups search" option in version 2.15.3, which we did not
> enable.
> I didn't notice anything in the GeoServer documentation for 2.15.3
> that would require us to change our LDAP configuration parameters.  I
> installed GeoServer version 2.18.* and it behaved the same, no LDAP
> groups were returned for any of our LDAP accounts.
> GeoServer DEBUG logging details related to the same LDAP user login
> appears to be the same between the 2.15.2 and 2.15.3 versions, the
> only noticeable difference is the
> "[ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] - Roles from search: []" is
> empty with any version after 2.15.2, here are some logging details:
> LDAP authentication logging with 2.15.2:
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,676 DEBUG [ldap.LDAPSecurityProvider$1] -
> Processing authentication request for user: tuser1
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,780 DEBUG [ldap.GeoserverLdapBindAuthenticator] -
> Retrieving user object using filter...
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,862 INFO [ldap.SpringSecurityLdapTemplate] -
> Ignoring PartialResultException
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,863 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Getting authorities for user CN=Test
> User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,877 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Searching for roles for user 'tuser1', DN = 'CN=Test
> User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com', with filter
> member={0} in search base 'ou=groups,ou=udev'
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,898 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Roles from search: [dl-All-Users, UDEV-All-Users, UDEV-Jenkins-Dev,
> UDEV-Sudo-Users, dl-Workspaces, AWS-Console-Admin, UDEV-BDA-Dev]
> 2021-04-27 17:05:25,913 DEBUG
> [filter.GeoServerUserNamePasswordAuthenticationFilter$1] -
> Authentication success. Updating SecurityContextHolder to contain:
> org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken@4cc36d05:
> Principal: 
> org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.LdapUserDetailsImpl@39493be2:
> Dn: CN=Test User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com; Username:
> tuser1; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: true; AccountNonExpired: true;
> CredentialsNonExpired: true; AccountNonLocked: true; Granted
> Authenticated: true; Details:
> org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerWebAuthenticationDetails@ef30:
> RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId:
> 2C4C913D1A84AF86CE2009430A500B59; Granted Authorities:
> LDAP authentication logging with 2.15.3:
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,114 DEBUG [ldap.LDAPSecurityProvider$1] -
> Processing authentication request for user: tuser1
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,208 DEBUG [ldap.GeoserverLdapBindAuthenticator] -
> Retrieving user object using filter...
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,249 INFO [ldap.SpringSecurityLdapTemplate] -
> Ignoring PartialResultException
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,250 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Getting authorities for user CN=Test
> User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,258 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Searching for roles for user 'tuser1', DN = 'CN=Test
> User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com', with filter
> member={0} in search base 'ou=groups,ou=udev'
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,270 DEBUG [ldap.BindingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator] -
> Roles from search: []
> 2021-04-28 11:53:59,288 DEBUG
> [filter.GeoServerUserNamePasswordAuthenticationFilter$1] -
> Authentication success. Updating SecurityContextHolder to contain:
> org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken@c764efec:
> Principal: 
> org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails.LdapUserDetailsImpl@39493be2:
> Dn: CN=Test User,OU=NonPriv,OU=Users,OU=udev,dc=udev,dc=com; Username:
> tuser1; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: true; AccountNonExpired: true;
> CredentialsNonExpired: true; AccountNonLocked: true; Not granted any
> authorities; Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details:
> org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerWebAuthenticationDetails@3bcc:
> RemoteIpAddress:; SessionId:
> 7946087888C889D6616C47047EA8DC2E; Granted Authorities:
> Here is the data\security\auth\udev\config.xml that contains the
> details of our LDAP Authentication configuration for 2.16.2:
> <ldap>
>   <id>-178dde25:179184fe481:-7fff</id>
>   <name>udev</name>
> <className>org.geoserver.security.ldap.LDAPAuthenticationProvider</className>
>   <serverURL>ldap://udev.com:389/dc=udev,dc=com</serverURL>
>   <groupSearchBase>ou=groups,ou=udev</groupSearchBase>
>   <groupSearchFilter>member={0}</groupSearchFilter>
>   <userFilter>(sAMAccountName={1})</userFilter>
>   <useTLS>false</useTLS>
>   <useNestedParentGroups>false</useNestedParentGroups>
>   <maxGroupSearchLevel>10</maxGroupSearchLevel>
>   <nestedGroupSearchFilter>(member={0})</nestedGroupSearchFilter>
>   <bindBeforeGroupSearch>true</bindBeforeGroupSearch>
>   <adminGroup>UDEV-BDA-Dev</adminGroup>
>   <groupAdminGroup>UDEV-BDA-Dev</groupAdminGroup>
>   <userFormat>{0}@udev.com</userFormat>
> </ldap>
> Let me know if there is any additional information needed to help
> understand the problem.
> Thanks for any help!
> Brandon
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> --
> Dipl. Ing. Stefan Overkamp
> overk...@posteo.de

Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this 
- Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton: 
- The GeoServer user list posting guidelines: 

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