Hi Geoserver users.

We do use Geoserver ourselves, but this is a question regarding how to call 
Geoserver WFS using paging.

We have a national zoning authority, who distributes all zoning related data 
and plans in the country as WFS using Geoserver 2.16.

I'm tasked with retrieving all themes on a regularly basis, and unfortunately 
have no other option than using WFS to do this.

Eventually I need to be able to fetch data with filters for delta updates, but 
so far I'm stuck with fetching all data.

I initially tried fetching them in a single go, as the service has no maximum 
count specified, but ran into timeout issues on a regular basis.

I then turned to using paging, but unfortunately Geoserver 2.16 (and later?) 
doesn't support the OGC standard way of doing so (with "next" and "previous" 
tags returned).

Finally I've been looking into creating a "manual" paging mechanism, but can 
only provide a "startIndex" and "count". I.e., I submit no "sortBy" parameter.

There are 229 themes in all, and their structures are often vastly different. 
No single field name is common to all themes, not for filtering, not for 
The most common fieldname is only present in 159 themes.

Even though most of the themes seem to work, some don't, throwing an exception 
about something like a missing "natural sorting order".
Which tells me that something might still work behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, many themes fetched by this manual paging, end up having 
duplicated id's, leaving me to wonder about, whether Geoserver can handle 
paging properly without a specified "sortBy" parameter ?

Can anyone here shed some light on this issue ?

The service is free for all users, and their end point is here, if anyone wants 
to have a look at the service: https://geoserver.plandata.dk/geoserver/wfs?

Med venlig hilsen

Lars I. Nielsen
GIS-kons., FME+Python Certified Professional


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