Hi Geoserver User list

I have a layer where I want certain rules to be rendered higher in the z-order, 
using the vendor option 'sortBy', as described 
 However the field I wish to sort on is text, not numeric.

I thought I could do this using the Recode function, as follows:

<sld:VendorOption name="sortBy">
    <ogc:Function name="Recode">
        <ogc:Literal>mineral deposit</ogc:Literal>
        <ogc:Literal>historic mine</ogc:Literal>
        <ogc:Literal>under development</ogc:Literal>
        <ogc:Literal>care and maintenance</ogc:Literal>
        <ogc:Literal>operating mine</ogc:Literal>

But this seems to do nothing. Is there a way to sort a text field according to 
a preset numerical ordering?



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