Hi GeoServer Users!

We're trying to ensure our AWS keys don't leak into our code repositories, 
while actively doing development on our tile caches, which use an S3 blobstore. 
We write the keys at deploy time to the geowebcache.xml file, however to 
develop and test locally we have to insert the keys into the file, then must 
remove them before commit to ensure we don't leak the keys.

Is there a better way? I've tried using variable substitution such that the 
keys are inserted at runtime, but I am not having any luck. What is the best 
way to do this?

Thanks for any help

Kind Regards

Michael Sexton
Data Analyst  |  MEGIS
Minerals Energy Groundwater  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 6249 9262    Fax:  +61 2 6249 9999
Email:  michael.sex...@ga.gov.au<mailto:michael.sex...@ga.gov.au>    Web:  
Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT 2609
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