
For me it seems that most languages from Transifex should not be synced at all 
https://www.transifex.com/GeoServer/geoserver/ at least before there is a 
simple way for the users to select the language. Even the good percentage of 
the translated strings does not guarantee that they are translated well. I 
think that the translations should be like the community modules so that you 
could use them if you wish but at your own risk.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geosolutionsgroup.com>
Lähetetty: torstai 21. lokakuuta 2021 10.01
Vastaanottaja: giskraft.se <mats.elfst...@giskraft.se>
Kopio: GeoServer Mailing List List <geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.20.0, Encoding German Umlaut-Problems

On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 8:40 PM Mats Elfström 
<mats.elfst...@giskraft.se<mailto:mats.elfst...@giskraft.se>> wrote:
The mystery deepens.
I am a member of the Swedish Geoserver Transifex team, and honestly thought the 
work done there was being used. Not that I have been very diligent, but I 
planned to change that.
So how are the language files created and maintained? Manually - file by file?

I have no idea, never been involved in the GUI internationalization effort. We 
used to get pull requests every now and then.
The volunteer that bridged Transifex with GeoServer source code stopped sending 
them (or at least, I don't remember
seeing recent ones).
For reference, the "params-extractor" extension has been sitting in extension 
for over 6 months now (it graduated in 2.19.x)
and only has English and Korean translation... The Korean files come from one 
of the last Transifex related PRs, back in 2017.

If so, inadvertent changes of the character encoding is just one of many error 
As it seems, the code base and Transifex are out of sync for four years, so I 
doubt that they can be successfully merged now.
My offer to fix the encoding stands, as well as my request for a list of 
language file folders.

Each GUI module has its set of internationalization files.
Running the following command on Linux provides a full list:

find . -name "GeoServerApplication*.properties" | grep -v target | sort > 

I've attached the result to this mail (list is too long the mail body).
Community modules can be considered optional, only a subset is packaged for 
nightly builds,
but anything in core (root modules) or extensions is part of releases.



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