Op 15-12-2021 om 01:39 schreef Russell Grew:
I am not sure if this is best for the Dev or User list.
I recently discovered that in the web UI the “instance” field is at the
bottom of the SQL Server data source page and not near the “host”,
“port” or “database” fields. Prior to this discovery I was setting a
static port, which is not ideal.
The underlying jdbc library doesn’t seem to understand “server\instance”.
I'm not sure what that means... do you mean the database driver? this
requires a lookup that might need native code to interface with the OS
To my point – would it make sense to move the instance box up the page
between host and port? I did try and find this in the code with a view
to a pull request but could not see where this is located. Maybe the
order of the fields in the GeoServer UI comes from Geotools or elsewhere?
that page is AFAIK dynamically generated using the parameters from the
Since the parameters are a Map the order is (by contract of the Java
API) undefined and may vary per JVM
Actually I may be wrong there; it is actually using a LinkedHashMap
So ordering is defined and should be preserved as insertion ordering in
However since you say it doesn't work I don't see why..
Also note that Microsoft actually recommends specifying the port for
security reasons:
Important: We recommend that the port number is always specified, as
it's more secure than using SQLbrowser.
- M
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