On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 at 16:05, Paul Lewis <paul.le...@mu.ie> wrote:

> Working now and your suggestion was part of the solution.
> I had tried the tomcat service change but on double checking I had
> ReadWritePaths=/geoserver-blobstore
> instead of
> ReadWritePaths=/geoserver-blobstore/
> missing slash at end.
> It didn't work though on restart.
> I then checked the other writable directories mentioned in that file and
> set the blobstore target to be the same as follows:
> drwxr*w*xr-x   3 root *tomcat*    28 Feb  8 11:02 geoserver-blobstore
You could probably get away with changing the owner to tomcat rather than
giving group write but it should work either way

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