If you turn logging up to developer you should see the underlying
exception, it could be permissions or a bad XML name for a layer possibly.


On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 at 14:50, Neuvonen Samuli <samuli.neuvo...@syke.fi>

> Dear all,
> The log file of our Geoserver is currently flooding with warnings of type
> WARN [wms.capabilities] - Error writing metadata; skipping layer:
> finnsmia_absoluteValue
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while committing XML elements; specific
> element was: Start(Layer, org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl@43a3c239)
>         at
> org.geotools.xml.transform.TransformerBase$TranslatorSupport.commit(TransformerBase.java:697)
>         at
> org.geoserver.wms.capabilities.Capabilities_1_3_0_Transformer$Capabilities_1_3_0_Translator.doHandleLayer(Capabilities_1_3_0_Transformer.java:937)
> . . .
> Near the end of the long error message there is a line
> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Broken pipe
> which makes me wonder, if this is an issue with insufficient rights in
> some folder or something. Where exactly is Geoserver trying to write
> something in this case? I did try to look at the code a bit, but it didn’t
> seem clear.
> Some details: We use daily updating image mosaics with time dimension. The
> catalog for the rasters is in a PostgreSQL database and we use a
> JNDI-connection with SELECT-rights. It seems to me that the capabilities
> file on the WMS interface (by GetCapabilities-request) is up-to-date and
> contains the correct TIME-dimension values, so whatever this problem is, it
> doesn’t affect the service itself a whole lot.
> Thanks for any tips,
> Sam
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