The behavior you're experiencing seems the expected one:

   - You have pixels covering a very large area, they are rendered as
   square blocks
   - If you enable interporpolation, say bilinear, it's just acting on a
   2x2 pixel block, giving the blurry effect

Looks like you'd like to have a full interpolation algorithm acting on the
image, say a Inverse Distance Weighted acting on the
pixel centers and treating them as sparse points instead, and work off
larger pixel distances (eventually account for all those in the
view before
GeoServer does not have such an ability ... maybe one could try chaining
the Barnes Surfaces algorithm, or modify the polygon extraction process to
allow for smoothing, and then chain that one too, but... rendering
transformation chaining is not working very well in general....

Looks like you need to go down this path:,-improvements-and-new-features-in-GeoServer


On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 12:33 AM Bessette-Halsema, Dominique E via
Geoserver-users <> wrote:

> Hello
> I have an sld that uses jiffle and the output is a 1 or a 0
> I would like my style to appear “smoothed” out or interpolated on the
> map.  When the colormap type=ramp and the map is zoomed out it appears
> smooth but when I start to zoom in it appears blurry (see attachement).   I
> understand I should use “type=”values”” to mark all the values of 1 red but
> then the image appears blocky (see attachment).  Is there a way I can
> assign the values of 1 red and smooth out the edges?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns=
> xmlns:sld= xmlns:gml=
> xmlns:ogc=
> version="1.0.0">
>   <sld:NamedLayer>
>     <sld:Name>TEst</sld:Name>
>     <sld:UserStyle>
>       <sld:Name>Testsld:Name>
>       <sld:Title>TSEts</sld:Title>
>       <sld:FeatureTypeStyle>
>         <sld:Name>name</sld:Name>
>         <sld:Transformation>
>           <ogc:Function name="ras:Jiffle">
>             <ogc:Function name="parameter">
>               <ogc:Literal>coverage</ogc:Literal>
>             </ogc:Function>
>             <ogc:Function name="parameter">
>               <ogc:Literal>script</ogc:Literal>
>               <ogc:Literal>
>                               data = src[0];
>                               gph =  src[1]
>                               dted = src[2];
>                               dest = (( data &gt; 80.0 ) &amp;&amp; (gph
> &lt; dted) ) ? 1 : 0;
>                </ogc:Literal>
>             </ogc:Function>
>           </ogc:Function>
>         </sld:Transformation>
>         <sld:Rule>
>           <sld:RasterSymbolizer>
>             <sld:ColorMap>
>               <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#ffffff" opacity="0.0"
> quantity="0" label="No Impact"/>
>               <sld:ColorMapEntry color="#FF0000" opacity="1.0"
> quantity="1" label="Impact"/>
>             </sld:ColorMap>
>             <sld:ContrastEnhancement/>
>           </sld:RasterSymbolizer>
>         </sld:Rule>
>       </sld:FeatureTypeStyle>
>     </sld:UserStyle>
>   </sld:NamedLayer>
> </sld:StyledLayerDescriptor>
> Thanks!
> Dominique Bessette
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