Dear Johannes,
sorry for the late reply on this. GeoServer is using OGC filter to mongo
query support provided by the mongo geotools plugin. For bbox it should use
a $geoIntersects, see here
If a simple query triggers a full coll scan, and you are willing to debug
the code to provide a fix I would start by checking if the method linked
above is ever hit.
The piece of documentation about full table scan I believe is referring to
the computation of the boxes of the collection that use an iteration over
all the element
matched by the passed filter (this is the kind of operation issued when
pressing *compute** bbox* from the GeoServer UI on the layer configuration
page). This operation should however not occur when dealing with GetMap


Marco Volpini

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On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 1:45 AM Johannes Brännström via Geoserver-users <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In
> <>
> under Implementation Notes
> it says
>    -
>    Bounding box calculation makes use of a full table scan.
> but in
> BBOX capability is added. Technically the BBOX should be a $geoWithin
> query with a 4 points polygon.
> Using the OpenLayers map preview and zooming in I can see in the MongoDB
> server logs that no filter is used and a COLLSCAN is issued!
> "attr":{"query":"ns: sweden.landuse query: {} sort: {} projection: {
> geometry: 1 }","planSummary":"COLLSCAN"}
> It seems that the MongoDB instance is not breaking a sweat at the collscan
> but Geoserver grinds to a halt, trying to crunch the data in-memory most
> likely.
> Is there a bug report or feature request tracking this? Maybe I could get
> this fixed if someone points me to where the action is (not) happening :)
> I also noticed
> but have not found a way to verify if that's been fixed, but maybe you
> know?
> Happy to help out if I can get some pointers. Btw generating the schema
> seems to be an awesome feature!
> Best Regards,
> Johannes
> {
>   name     : "Johannes Brännström",
>   title    : "Senior Solutions Architect",
>   phone    : "+46(0)725109160",
>   location : "Stockholm, Sweden",
>   linkedIn : "in: johannesbrannstrom
> <>",
>   web      : ""
> }
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