Thx Graham.

This is indeed a solution. But not everything is solved: a wfs/wms GetCapabilities request will rely on the Global proxy-base url. It seems that the "online resource" option in the wfs/wms service section is not being used (?)

To illustrate this:

1. GetCapabilities using geoserver v2.18.6: : the xlinks are correctly pointing to the proxy url Global proxy-base url=, admin pages are accessible.

2. GetCapabilities using geoserver v2.21.0 with empty Global proxy-base url: : the xlinks are pointing to http://georocky/geoserver/wfs and NOT to the correct proxy url This will only be correct when the Global proxy-base url is not empty ... but then the admin pages are not accessible anymore.

catch 22 ...

best regards,


On 03/08/2022 02:22, Humphries, Graham wrote:

Hi Frans,

I lodged the original issue about this. What I have done is set the proxy-base url for the workspace and left the Global proxy-base url unset. This allows me to access the admin pages.

*From:*Frans Fierens <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 3 August 2022 2:26 AM
*To:* Andrea Aime <>
*Subject:* Re: [Geoserver-users] problem with Proxy Base URL as from version 2.19

Thanks Andrea,

I already tried to configure the nginx but without success. It would be interesting to get more info on the nginx config. There are also other issues to deal when using this option: you give internet access to the admin pages (which I would prefer not to do).

best regards,


On 02/08/2022 18:09, Andrea Aime wrote:

    Hi Frans,

    maybe it just requires a different set up? These two servers are
    using nginx proxying, and a proxy base URL,

    but the UI works, as you can see:

    One is a 2.20.x, the other is a nightly build from the developer

    Unfortunately I don't know exactly how they are set up NGINX wise,
    but I can tell you the proxy base URL configured in GeoServer

    is simple, e.g. "



    On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 3:10 PM Frans Fierens <>


        I do have the same problem as posted in:

        When geoserver is behind a reverse proxy as nginx and when
        "Proxy Base
        URL" is not empty in the global setting,  it is not possible
        to access
        the web user interface anymore. I also did some tests, and
        this issue
        starts at version 2.19.

        This is very annoying.

        When "Proxy Base URL" is empty, you can login to the webui,
        but a wfs or
        wms?request=GetCapabilities&service will not be given the
        correct xlinks
        ( xlink:href="https://proxy_url_name/wfs";) but will show
        (xlink:href="http://servername:8080/geoserver/wfs (or wms)")

        When "Proxy Base URL" is not empty (https://proxy_url_name),
        then it is
        not possible to login via the webinterface.

        Is it possible to solve this?


        Frans Fierens

        Geoserver-users mailing list

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        posting to this list:
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    Andrea Aime

    == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

    more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf Technical Lead

    GeoSolutions Group phone: +39 0584 962313

    fax:     +39 0584 1660272

    mob:   +39  339 8844549


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Frans Fierens<>  <>
Medewerker van de Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM,  
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Frans Fierens<>
Medewerker van de Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM, aangesteld 
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