I have published layers from my Azure SQL server. All is working well
EXCEPT that the Z values of the points are not returned in the WFS.

The SQL Server instance contains a spatial table which is registered in the
geometry_columns table with the following information:
f_table_catalog = testdb
f_table_schema = qc
f_table_name = pts_with_elevation
f_geometry_column = shape
coord_dimension = 3
srid = 4326
geometry_type = point

I have created a store in GeoServer using Microsoft SQL Server vector data
source and specified the dbo.geometry_columns table. I published the
pts_with_elevation layer and have confirmed in SQL Server that the shape
column contains Z values using
select shape.STX, shape.STY, shape.Z, shape.STSrid from
which returns e.g.
-121.187741391525 50.5423015254986 *1124.495* 4326

All records in the table have a Z value.

When I call
pts_with_elevation &maxFeatures=50

only the X and the Y values of the coordinates are included (snippet below)
<gml:Point srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326";>
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts="

Can anyone please suggest what I might be doing wrong? This is using
GeoServer version 2.20.4.

Many thanks,

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