Hi Nuno,

Thinking about your reply, I can't bring it in line with the documentation and my observations, because I don't create array attributes with App Schema:

 * A column with Array Type is defined in PostgreSQL, i.e. the database
   query returns an array to Geoserver
 * The Feature Templating documentation that I linked earlier clearly
   refers to Array Type in databases (i.e. the situation in my case, if
   I do not completely misunderstand)
 * Feature Templating produces a "[Ljava.lang.String;@..." error
 * My web searches suggest that a "[Ljava.lang.String;@..." error
   indicates that an array is passed to a function that expects string
   only, which suggests that App Schema correctly passes on the Array
   Type data to Feature Templating, but Feature templating doesn't
   understand it in contradiction to the documentation.

A first step would be to decide whether I am unable to interpret the documentation correctly. Then to think what resources are needed for full array support and how to get them (I'd like to have a bag of money for this, but I don't ...).

Best wishes,


On 2022-09-13 00:11, Nuno Oliveira wrote:
Hi Henning,
that's a good point, if my memory serves me well, if an array reaches features-templating it will work as described (this is used for some advanced integrations with features-templating), but I don't think that App-Schema and Smart Data Loader can produce array attributes.

So summarizing:

  * Features-templating support arrays,
  * but you cannot produce array attributes with App-Schema or Smart
    Data Loader,
  * hence you can't use arrays unless you create them programmatically.

@Marco Volpini <mailto:marco.volp...@geosolutionsgroup.com> did I miss something?

Kind regards,
Nuno Oliveira

On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 12:27 PM Henning Lorenz <henning.lor...@geo.uu.se> wrote:

    Dear Nuno,

    Thanks for the quick reply. However, for the Feature Templating
    plugin, it contradicts the documentation where Array Type support
    for json output is explicitly mentioned:

    Is the documentation wrong and needs to be updated?

    Best wishes,


    On 2022-09-09 11:42, Nuno Oliveira wrote:
    Dear Henning,
    those modules do not support array column types, this would be a
    nice feature to have.

    A pull request contributing it would be very welcomed, you may
    also want to check the GeoServer Support
    <https://geoserver.org/support/> in case you want to fund it.

    Kind regards,
    Nuno Oliveira

    On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 10:13 AM Henning Lorenz
    <henning.lor...@geo.uu.se> wrote:

        geoserver 2.21, app schema/smart data loader/ogc api/feature
        templating plugins (Tomcat 9 on Ubuntu 22.04; openjdk 11.0.16)


        I appreciate any help on the following two (related?)
        problems (further explained below):

         1. The "Smart Data Loader" plugin fails in case Array Type
            is present in one of the tables (error unknown data type)
         2. The "Feature Templating" plugin does not handle data from
            columns with Array Type correctly
            ("[Ljava.lang.String;@..." <mailto:[Ljava.lang.String;@...>)

        Of particular importance to me is to solve problem 2, as this
        directly affects geoserver output.

        Many thanks in advance,



        Problem 1:

          * I create two tables, one without and one without a column
            of Array Type (called here "noarray_table" and
            "array_table"; only for explanation instead of my more
            complex setup):

                    CREATE TABLE test.noarray_table (
                        id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                        geometry geometry(point, 4326),
                        attribute1 varchar,
                        attribute2 varchar

                    CREATE TABLE test.array_table (
                        id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
                        geometry geometry(point, 4326),
                        attribute1 varchar,
                        attribute2 varchar[]

          * After adding some data, I create a PostGIS data store for
            database that contains the tables.
          * When this is done, I add a new data store and select
            "Smart Data Loader".
              o When I select the noarray_table as root entity, I get
                the expected preview and can add the data store.
              o However, when I select the array_table, I get an
                error message over the entire page. As far as I can
                tell, the critical line is "Caused by:
                java.lang.RuntimeException: Attribute type '_varchar'
                is unknown.". _varchar is the same as varchar[] as
                far as I can tell.

        Is this a bug or does Smart Data Loader not support Array
        Types ("missing feature")?

        Problem 2:

        The Feature Templating plugin explicitly supports Array Types

          * With the Smart Data Loader, I create an app schema
            mapping and schema of tables without Array Type
          * I configure feature templating and I get valid output.
          * However, one of the columns should actually be of array
            type. Thus, I replace this varchar-column by a
            varchar[]-column, including type casting of the content.
              o According to the documentation, I expect that the
                Array Type of the column is recognised by the plugin
                and the data are expanded accordingly.
              o However, I see "[Ljava.lang.String;@..."
                <mailto:[Ljava.lang.String;@...> instead of data.
                According to what I could find out, this indicates
                the presence of array data where no array data are

        This leaves two options:

        A) It is not sufficient to just change the Data Type in the
        database, something in the configuration has to be changed as
        well (App Schema mapping file, schema - although Array Type
        is not supported for XML according to the documentation,
        which would suggest that this is not the case).

        B) The Feature Templating plugin doesn't work as expected,
        i.e. it's a bug.

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        Please make sure you read the following two resources before
        posting to this list:
        - Earning your support instead of buying it, but Ian Turton:
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        If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see



    Nuno Oliveira

    ==GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

    Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us
    <http://bit.ly/gs-services-us>for more information.==Nuno Miguel
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    GeoSolutions Groupphone: +39 0584 962313fax:      +39 0584

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    or e-mail.

-- Henning Lorenz
    The Swedish Scientific Drilling Program (www.ssdp.se  
<http://www.ssdp.se>), scientific coordinator
    EPOS-Sweden (Swedish participation in EPOS-ERIC;www.epos-se.se  
<http://www.epos-se.se>), infrastructure manager
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    mobile: +46 (0) 701 679 320

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Nuno Oliveira

==GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us <http://bit.ly/gs-services-us>for more information.==Nuno Miguel Carvalho Oliveira@nmcoliveiraTechnical Lead / Project Manager

GeoSolutions Groupphone: +39 0584 962313fax:      +39 0584 1660272https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/ <https://www.geosolutionsgroup.com/>http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it <http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it>-------------------------------------------------------

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Henning Lorenz
The Swedish Scientific Drilling Program (www.ssdp.se), scientific coordinator
EPOS-Sweden (Swedish participation in EPOS-ERIC;www.epos-se.se), infrastructure 
Uppsala University
Department of Earth Sciences
Villavägen 16
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