As a follow up to my last email, this is a part of the log, if you trace
through the log, you can see geoserver received the correct time parsed it
and then turned in to a query string.  Its at this point were the date
format conversion seems to happen.

with /**

 To gt2: Query:
   feature type: windproc_view
   filter: [[ geom bbox ReferencedEnvelope[-12.875 : 42.125, 26.125 :
55.125] DefaultGeographicCRS[EPSG:WGS 84] AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST]
AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH] ] AND [ reading_time = Sun May 27 13:00:00
BST 2018 ]]

database table is
   Column    |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
 id           | integer                     |           |          |
 geom         | geometry(Point,4326)        |           |          |
 lon          | real                        |           |          |
 lat          | real                        |           |          |
 uwnd         | real                        |           |          |
 vwnd         | real                        |           |          |
 angle        | real                        |           |          |
 speed        | real                        |           |          |
 reading_time | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
07 Oct 07:48:46 DEBUG  [] - Request matched by universal
pattern '/**'
07 Oct 07:48:46 DEBUG  [] - Matched Path: /wfs,
with /**
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [ows.OWSHandlerMapping] - Mapped to
HandlerExecutionChain with [org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher@33210647] and 2
07 Oct 07:48:46 INFO   [geoserver.wfs] -
Request: getServiceInfo
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override:
'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context
parameter : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override:
'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context
parameter : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override:
'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context
parameter : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 TRACE  [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment
variable : 'org.geoserver.service.disabled' to be unset
07 Oct 07:48:46 DEBUG  [geoserver.requests] - Query is
 To gt2: Query:
   feature type: windproc_view
   filter: [[ geom bbox ReferencedEnvelope[-12.875 : 42.125, 26.125 :
55.125] DefaultGeographicCRS[EPSG:WGS 84] AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST]
AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH] ] AND [ reading_time = Sun May 27 13:00:00
BST 2018 ]]
   [properties:  ALL ]

On Sat, 7 Oct 2023 at 06:37, Dave Potts <> wrote:

> I am trying to make a cql request to a local instance of geoserver with a
> postgres backend
> Requests such as
> http://localhost:8090/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=windproc:windproc_view&outputFormat=application/json&CQL_FILTER=BBOX(geom%2C-12.875%2C26.125%2C42.125%2C55.125%2C%27EPSG%3A4326%27)%20AND%20reading_time%3D2018-12-25T06%3A00%3A00Z&srsname=EPSG:4326
> Work ie the date is 2018-12-25
> Making a request such as
> http://localhost:8090/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=windproc:windproc_view&outputFormat=application/json&CQL_FILTER=BBOX(geom%2C-12.875%2C26.125%2C42.125%2C55.125%2C%27EPSG%3A4326%27)%20AND%20reading_time%3D2018-06-25T06%3A00%3A00Z&srsname=EPSG:4326
> returns nothing!
> A  bit of digging in the logs and I  can I can see that a request e date
> and time  has been translated into a request for data from the database of
> using 2018-06-25 0700, since the database only has records for 0600 it
> does'nt  find any data.
> Basically geoserver is converting a date into daylight saving time
> format,  and then making a request in the database.
> Q. How do I tell the geoserver , not to convert a date in cql into a
> daylight saving version ?
> I assume the issue is date format issue,  I normally supply a date as
> something like
> 2018-12-25T06:00:00.000Z
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Dave.
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