Dear all,
I am new to Geoserver and I am testing possibilities of use of Geoserver's
app-schema plug-in for our data. Does this plug-in support reprojection? I
mean if user can change the CRS in WFS response using parameter srsName in

When I try it on my testing service, it seems it does not work. In the
response there is correct (required) coor. system in srsName attribute, but
the coordinates themselves did not change (they are still in the native
<gml:Point srsName="";>
<gml:pos>14.4567 48.889</gml:pos>

So I would need to know if the problem is just on my side and I can find
the solution, or if this functionality is not supported.

Tank you in advance for help.
Veronika Kusova
Geoserver-users mailing list

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