White space gets reduced in the XML, so you might need a cdata block around
it. Not sure how CSS handles it.


On Thu, 26 Oct 2023, 20:44 Peter Smythe, <g...@smythe.co.za> wrote:

> Thank you very much for your answers.  All 3 of them are super useful.
> Ian, I do not have the luxury of building up the string in a single
> attribute, so I need to use the Concatenate or strConcat functions from
> Jody's reference.  Andrea, the WKT X and Y coordinates are not separated by
> a comma but rather by a space.
> The strConcat function only joins 2 strings, the Concatenate function is
> able to join many strings.
> So something like this should work:
> label-geometry: [geomFromWKT(Concatenate('POINT(', label_lng, ' ',
> label_lat, ')'))];
> or
> label-geometry:
> [geomFromWKT(strConcat(strConcat(strConcat(strConcat('POINT(', label_lng),
> ' '), label_lat), ')'))];
> However, the SLD created contains (for the space separator between X and
> Y):
> <ogc:Literal> </ogc:Literal>
> and it appears from my testing and debugging that this is evaluated as ""
> i.e. an empty string.
> (I get the exception: `bad wkt` when evaluating it, and I have confirmed
> the above in Eclipse)
> Trying to force a `&nbsp;` into the Literal does not work.
> Is there a bug with parsing a literal space?
> So, I am very close to my solution, I just need a way to represent a
> literal space, if anyone can assist, please?
> Thanks
> Peter
> On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 17:29, Ian Turton <ijtur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I usually use `geomFromWKT(geometry)` with a string like 'POINT('+x+'
>> '+y+')' as the parameter. But a nicer function would be useful.
>> There is also a pole of accessibility function that is better than
>> centroid if you have oddly shaped polygons.
>> Ian
>> On Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 16:22, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> There should be a function to create a point from lat, Lon but I do not
>>> see it in the function list. It is a little to do anything other than
>>> transform the main geometry - since often the data is queried using a BBOX
>>> against the main geometry.
>>> For greater control I would recommend use the centroid as a staring
>>> location, and provide an offset to determine the label position. The offset
>>> can be expressed as an expression which you can adjust for scale.
>>> Reference:
>>>    -
>>> https://docs.geotools.org/stable/userguide/library/main/function_list.html
>>> <https://fdfdfha.r.af.d.sendibt2.com/tr/cl/euXGZ9x4RgzAEJHnr8_XYW4sQUdxTgvINg9XAoGEGHVs4s3MJt7JlfQ9z8kojpBeDjalS074Ct4w_FzOXQzeQteVkC4CgL0XOCtphD3yiku5rwacybz61OAVS2V-YWjm2b3v2cdktX7Q0k9fThJprUFLuoUA12thVN0k2OO-92IUNMICq5zmth3RJAvCrB_ZXg6z7XaCD4Rvc4c6mlb5gvuiKijQ1AAB_bk56P9LelJoMTozAmQY-ROjXY6Z4Z9CH5sZnI6uszqaB3S4O1sxEkBS_-xeHrTajy0kybvtXav-0qWzPg>
>>> --
>>> Jody Garnett
>>> On Oct 26, 2023 at 5:32:55 AM, Peter Smythe <g...@smythe.co.za> wrote:
>>>> Hi all
>>>> I am trying to use 2 numeric attributes called label_lat and label_lng
>>>> to create a point geometry for the labeling of a polygon.
>>>> Can anyone point me to the correct format, if this is indeed possible?
>>>> I cannot find the information on
>>>> https://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/styling/css/index.html
>>>> <https://fdfdfha.r.af.d.sendibt2.com/tr/cl/xyoUP5eN464DydrOGqm8BDm7444mIJZfoKj7NPfOgCaOWczz2TBs_wlTzeAWk-wH7YI8cPsDW5UXJQ7xrUegk_MeefrvVxLjepbnzSSla_tRhI5B2JuKxN3QhnO3Cl32jH8y4FglrQP3-2eECQLO10LEafasD05kJX5EskHxKcfNNV8lJ-pknCUbsxUVR6QrSYLIdlY4KUwdeX8x1MKCdK5tPk-hXMkazYYWnOp5nCN0VV2kFx1PqYodo8t1EPzmgxXfk6qf1ufXJ_mbr3CdQpeVz1Mj47CsH7qGdzA>
>>>> I have tried:
>>>>     label-geometry: [label_lng], [label_lat];
>>>>     label-geometry: [(label_lng, label_lat)];
>>>> etc
>>>> and the reverse coordinate orders
>>>>     label-geometry: [centroid(geom)];   does work as expected, but I
>>>> need more control.
>>>> *I also cannot create a new column in the GeoServer SQL view that is
>>>> visible in the output e.g. ST_Point (label_lng, label_lat, 4326) as
>>>> label-geom *
>>>> *i.e. if I create the new column, it must not be visible in the output.*
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Peter
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>> --
>> Ian Turton
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