On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Jody Garnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks everyone that was a great bit of discussion. What started this thread
> was an guideline to use when trying to decide if we needed to roll our own
> on any given Sunday. Andrea's numbers ring true to me; two weeks are
> probably too much.
> The other thing that rings true to me is that some code is *hard* to get
> right; the concurrency classes are one (yes that is folded into Java now).
> JODA time is another (I think everyone is so tired of date bugs that JODA
> would provide relief to several module maintainers).
> I do like the idea of *time* as a measure of how hard the the code is to get
> right; how about 1 week Andrea?
> And also how about the (gasp) idea of forking; assuming the code is LGPL of
> course ... we have already forked JTS once; can we fork JODA and just take
> out the tricky code we are having trouble with? And for that matter can we
> fork geoapi...
>> I agree with Martin here, we need to decide on per-case basis. I usually
>> try to reuse whatever is around, unless I found problems in it or it is to
>> big to carry it along, nut sometimes rewritingis the
>> best option.
>> I can provide another example which was interesting for me. In the
>> metadata module there are some hekper classes for implementing equals and
>> hashcode methods which can substitue pretty easily the usage of
>> commons-lang for that purpose.
>> IMHO reducing the number of dependencies for at least the core modules of
>> geotools is a crucial objective.
> Thanks for putting that into words.
> If I can put things on the other foot Simone (shoot me down if this is a bad
> idea) - if we need to have a dependency on commons-lang anyways can we
> remove our metadata-module helper classes for equals and hashcode?
> In short I want less duplication; having code in a dependency and in our
> code base just makes the decision confusing and the code inconsistent. I
> would like us to make a decision; or get out of the way.

Well, I see your point, but I did not want to add a new dependency
just because I needed a few new methods.
I used referencing as part of client deployed in webstart which is
supposed to work in low bandwidth networks. One of the goal  of the
work is to
shrink the size of the download therefore adding a new dependency was
not a good choice here,


> Cheers,
> Jody

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