OSGeo Incubation committee,

I am delighted to report that the Geotools community have completed an 
extraordinary, meticulous effort pushing geotools through incubation and 
now have it ready for graduation.

I have reviewed all the documentation and am satisfied that it comes up 
to scratch and that geotools have addressed the incubation provenance 
review criteria.

By watching the Geotools community in action, and by the high quality of 
their documented Software processes I think that Geotools have raised 
the bar for OSGeo graduation criteria.

I'm hopeful that we can vote Geotools through incubation before the 
OSGeo board meet this Friday 11 July.

The key documents for review are:

I will be doing a thin slice review of source code headers tomorrow 
morning, but don't expect any issues there.

Please vote: +1, 0, -1

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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