
Congrats on the hard work. It would be interesting to hear what you mean 
by testing your geotools code live from openjump since I've always 
thought those were very different projects. How does openjump deal with 
gps data, in plate-carre space?

Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> - Right now my code uses doubles to represent lat and long values. I'd
> like to create a convenient wrapper class to represent a lat/long
> coordinate (possible with an elevation). I noted that GeoTools has a
> latitude and longitude classes:
> http://javadoc.geotools.fr/2.5/org/geotools/measure/Latitude.html
> http://javadoc.geotools.fr/2.5/org/geotools/measure/Longitude.html
> Is there a class GeoTools uses to represent a Lat/Long pair? If there
> isn't, what interface or class might I extend/implement to do so? I
> don't want to roll my own lat/long wrapper if I don't have to.
The geotools way to define a coordinate tuple is through an array of 
doubles; the way to define a series of tuples is through an array of 
doubles. This is because of the way we can then operate on those 
coordinates if we want to transform them---we follow a Java convention 
of working on a single long array containing all the ordinates. That 
also gives us access to the very nice  System.array* types of functions 
including their improved versions in Java 6.

The OGC/ISO way to reference a single coordinate tuple of geographic 
ordinates is with a "direct position," a tuple plus a defining CRS to 
give it meaning (i.e. which ordinate is lat and which is long and how 
that coordinate system relates to the globe). You can find the classes 
you want in the referencing module's
package where you'll want to look at  the GeneralDirectPosition, or 
DirectPosition2D classes. (Note this is *not* a Point, which for ISO is 
a very different data structure.) For the CRS, you could use the static
if you keep in mind that its in long,lat order (it exists to provide a 
flipped alternative to the ubiquitous EPSG:4326 CRS without asking users 
to learn how to flip axes with a trivial affine).

I'm angling for us to have a few more default CRS's going forward so we 
can skip the epsg database plugins in these simple cases. For now, you 
will have to find the EPSG code for the CRS you want to use and pull it 
out of one of the utility CRS.decode(.) methods.

> - I want to create some utility methods that work with lat/long
> coordinates on the ellipsoid. I only need a simple sphere, nothing
> fancier. 
Find the epsg code; I bet you can google it. Warning, they may be 
several with different radii. The epsg website has a lookup tool and 
geotools has some class that you can use from the command line to do the 
lookup. (Martin has recently greatly improved this by bringing all his 
mini-apps together into a single, powerful, sexy, colourized, localized, 
covered in whipped cream and with a cherry on top command line app. A 
goody in the pipeline for us.)

> I'm dealing with positional accuracies of several feet (if
> not tens of feet), so I'm not going to get exceited about the
> differences between a shpere and an ellipsoid at this point. I know
> that GeoTools offers the DefaultEllipsoid class:
> http://javadoc.geotools.fr/2.5/org/geotools/referencing/datum/DefaultEllipsoid.html
> Would there be objections to adding some methods to this class to
> perform the calculations I need, or should I whip up my own
> implementation of the Ellipsoid interface?
Wow! Your asking this question means either you have not understood what 
geotools is trying to do or you are distracted and so are not thinking.

So let's back up a second. Geotools is a *library*. It is not some 
random accumulation of code built to satisfy the particular need of 
whomever was writing it. Geotools is a library built along a *design*. 
The OGC and ISO design has been vetted through the two standards bodies, 
implemented in lots of different ways and refined over the years. It's 
not perfect by any means but it is designed systematically to satisfy 
the broadest range of needs. Furthermore, in the particular case of 
referencing, the module is one of the best written, best documented, and 
most stable parts of the project. So there is *no* chance whatsoever you 
could add any methods to that class---it doesn't make any sense to ask.

Happily, you might not even need to add anything. Chances are high that 
what you want to do already exists you just need to learn how. (Yes, 
reading code is much harder than writing code; the benefit comes from 
learning better approaches and from discovering standard ways to do 
things which often gets repeated elsewhere.) For your needs, there's a 
geodetic calculator class around to do simple operations in geographic 
space which may be helpful. There's a lot of other code around as well, 
so you ought to browse the GeoAPI javadoc first and then poke around 
Geotools to find the helper classes. If you are still stuck after that, 
ask specific questions if you have them.

all the best,

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