
Deleted you from group, thanks. (I hadn't read the page carefully

On Sun, 2008-12-14 at 10:15 -0600, Howard Butler wrote:
> On Dec 14, 2008, at 9:07 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:
> > The idea that anyone can add a member is terrifying.
> Anyone *who is already a member* can add a member.  If you don't trust  
> your devs, who do you trust? ;)

Trust is a complex beast, as we are learning exploring security issues.
First of all, trust to write and commit code != trust to manage users.
That goes for a single person. As I get tired, I trust myself less and
less to do various things. Late, late at night I might even close my
root terminal so I can't trivially do stupid things. In distributed
projects, I would not want to expect all users to be equally competent
and knowledgeable about all parts of the system.

Anyhow, I'll shut up now. You've probably heard much of this before and,
since, I'm not going to step up to the plate to fix things differently,
I'll have to trust your wisdom. :-)

> > Also, could you kick yourself out of the GeoTools group, please?
> You should be able to delete me without fuss.


> > Any idea what our choices are with regards to our svn.geotools.org
> > domain? My knowledge of DNS is not strong enough to know if we can
> > automatically map
> > svn.geotools.org/$ to svn.osgeo.org/geotools/$
> Yes, I think we can do this, although it is a bit more involved.   
> Additionally, ssl would have to be dealt with if you want ssl.  A nice  
> thing about everyone on the same host is many folks only have to  
> accept one SSL cert, remember one password, and remember one URL for a  
> bunch of repositories.  A downside of this is if we make geotools'  
> administration too special, it may get lost in the mix if we were to  
> move our services, etc.  We (OSGeo SAC committee) chose a single URL  
> for subversion and a single URL for trac (rather than giving each  
> project their own URLs for both) to make extension and addition easier  
> and so we had regularized access to services.

These are good reasons to stick with the new svn.osgeo.org. I don't
think any of us particularly care about the svn being on the
geotools.org domain as long as we have the website.

thanks again,

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