Gabriel Roldan ha scritto:
>> FileDataStore interface would be implemented by
>> data stores willing to help the directory data store (but
>> it would not be required), and would have a single method:
>> Collection<File> getFilesForType(String typeName)
>> that returns the file that make up a certain feature type.
>> This allows us to skip testing the .dbf, .prj, and so on,
>> for a shapefile for example (if we do the shapefile datastore
>> factory will actually accept them and create a new shapfile
>> datastore, which is wasteful).
> That sounds just good. A question comes to my mind though. Did you take into 
> acount you'll have to pass the candidate DataStoreFactorySpi implementations 
> not only every file and directory inside the DirectoryDataStore's target 
> directory, but also the target directory itself? may be just a minor detail, 
> but was just wondering about that, since shp and properties are the only 
> working file based datastores I know of and the later would require the 
> "current" datastore URL as argument, as well as any subdirectory.

Yes, I know I have to pass the current directory along.
But I don't understand your question... the property data store just
takes a directory as the parameter, and I would pass that exactly...

>> Check for directory updates:
>> - use the last modified date of the directory
>>    to check wheter type name list should be udpated
>> - if so, do again the scan. To try and avoid
>>    killing all already opened data stores, try the
>>    following:
>>      - check if any of the type map entries is linked
>>        with the current file, if so, we keep it
> The missing situation seems to be that a file change may have changed the 
> feature type structure (say you replace states.shp by a new one with more 
> properties). But since I don't think that's handled by the delegate datastore 
> neither I don't see the point in bringing more grief to directory datastore 
> neither... or would it just be improper separation of concerns....

Right, it's the delegate datastore job to keep the feature
type up to date.

>>      - if an existing entry file is gone, remove the
>>        entry
>>      - if a new file appears, create a new entry
>> - to avoid redoing over and over the checks, maybe
>>    have a ds parameter that controls how often we
>>    check the filesystem for updates (and use a
>>    default value of 1 second). If we do this, have
>>    a method to force the update of the cache too.
> It would be nice to abstract out the notification of filesystem changes into 
> some sort of callback mechanism instead of hardly tieing it to the custom 
> implementations. Rationale being that, to start with, we could use JPoller 
> ( I guess JNotify 
> ( is not an option cause even if it has de 
> desired functionality of direct OS notifications, it requires JNI. And in the 
> long term we could make use of JSR 203 to get notified by the OS directly 
> from 
> the Java platform (
> Google also brings this class out 
> ( which id LGPL 
> and may save you like an hour of coding :)

Yeah, I guess I could use the last class, don't want to add dependecies 
to a dead project (last jpoller release is over 2 years old).
Thanks for the pointers.


Andrea Aime
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