Ben Caradoc-Davies ha scritto:
> Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> [Eclipse bin output]
>> Justin, you know Andrea is our resident speed demon; do you really 
>> think you would be able to deprive him of his new toy?  ;-)
> Which reminds me:
> Andrea, you will no doubt recall the many discussions in which we have 
> protested your concern with performance. I claimed to be most interested 
> in producing beautiful, schema-valid XML. You often defended the need to 
> keep performance high.
> Andrea, you will no doubt be pleased to know that, when I deployed our 
> latest GeoServer app-schema instance, the first thing we were gloating 
> about was how much faster it was than the equivalent deegree service. 
> About ten times faster, in fact. (Note: the deegree version is more 
> fully configured, so it is not quite a fair comparison.)

Wow, good stuff. Don't sit on the laurels thought, DeeGree is working
on making their code base XSLT free and they have a focus on performance
for DeeGree3 so we'll hear back from them on the speed department soon
enough (well, medium term, they are in the process of doing a full
code base rewrite).

> I just thought you should know that we are enjoying the benefits of the 
> years of performance tweaking that has gone into GeoTools. Please save 
> this email so that you can remind us of it the next time we complain 
> about your advocacy of performance.

Ha, I'll remember for sure ;-)


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
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