I propose a change to WFS behaviour that will have widespread impact on 
GeoServer and GeoTools users. In particular, XML consumers that have 
grown accustomed to consuming featureMembers may break. However, this 
change is necessary to support gml:id uniqueness in complex features. 
GeoServer cannot be be a general-purpose WFS response encoder without 
it. It is worth noting that deegree encodes featureMember not 

In a nutshell: don't use featureMembers because it is an 
ArrayPropertyType and cannot be used for xlink:href.



GeoTools (and thus GeoServer) encodes a FeatureCollection as (for example):

<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.1" />
<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.2" />
<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.3" />

In this skeleton, the features are empty, but if they are encoded 
inline, it is possible that, because of associations, a feature (e.g. 
mf.3) might have been already been encoded inline as a property of an 
earlier feature before it is to be returned as a top-level feature in 
its own right. In this case, the feature should be encoded as an 
internal xlink:href link on the enclosing property type, because 
gml:id's cannot be duplicated in a document. This is only possible if 
featureMember is used. The response then becomes:

<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.1">
<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.3" />
<gsmlMappedFeature gml:id="mf.2" />
<gml:featureMember xlink:href="#mf.3" />


Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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