How about a previous proposal:

Some of the substance of this proposal was done at the last moment by me prior 
to the release of GeoTools 2.5.x - the part protecting us from Java 5 


  for( Feature feature : featureCollection ){
     // do stuff
  featureCollection.purge(); // clean up any outstanding iterators


In GeoTools 2.0 FeaureCollection was in memory. In GeoTools 2.1 it was 
rewritten to to be "streaming" (along with the DataStore api):

I then had a user revolt on my hands - and was too new to stand my ground:

To make the users at the time happy we made our FeatureCollection a Java 
Collection; so they could get back to work without there code being broken.

When we decided to migrate to Java 5 we *had* to break being a Java Collection; 
because the new syntax would ensure that our feature iterators were never 
cleaned up.

The thing is FeatureSource and FeatureCollection kind of do the same thing (now 
that we no longer support Java 5 Collection).
I kind of view the FeatureCollection as a prepared statement - only good for 
getting an iterator from at a later date. I know it provides a few things like 
the schema and the bounds .. but that still kind of feels like a prepared 
"query" from which we can issue a query to get bounds, or a query to get the 
schema or a query to get the iterator over the contents.


On 26/05/2010, at 1:55 PM, Michael Bedward wrote:

> HI Jody,
> +1 for removing the useless listeners
> I don't think I understand the wider issues though. Can you point me
> to some previous posts that I should look at ?
> Michael


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