No use of exclude_dirnames ( ) will 
ever fix this, because copy_static_entry() in sphinx/util/ 
only checks the top-level directory name (for example 
docs/tutorial/../themes/geotools-tutorial/static/img) before calling 
shutil.copytree(), which copies everything inside img including .svn .

Victor, are you running "mvn clean install"? I wonder if one workaround 
is to ensure you start with no pre-existing files; mvn clean should take 
care of this for you.

On 14/07/10 13:25, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Aha!
> The problem is that Python under Windows cannot delete readonly files:
> The readonly files (in .svn from your subversion working directory) are
> being copied (by Sphinx) from the static theming directories into the
> target directory. I see them under Linux as well. Nothing to do with
> TortoiseSVN (my earlier guess). Now it is just a matter of persuading
> Sphinx(?) to not copy the dotfiles.
> Justin?
> Kind regards,
> Ben.
> On 14/07/10 12:43, v...@csiro wrote:
>> I seem to have problem with building the doc from trunk as well. As Ben
>> suggested last time it might be conflict with svn but I was able to manually
>> delete that file. Any suggestions?
>>        [exec] writing additional files... genindex search
>>        [exec] Making output directory...
>>        [exec] Exception occurred:
>>        [exec]   File "C:\VPrograms\Python\lib\", line 178, in rmtree
>>        [exec]     os.remove(fullname)
>>        [exec] WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied:
>> 'C:\\VPrograms\\GeoTool\\trunk\\docs\\target\\web\\html\\_static\\img\\.svn\\all-wcprops'
>>        [exec] The full traceback has been saved in
>> c:\docume~1\tey006\locals~1\temp\sphinx-err-e-ef2k.log, if you want to
>> report the issue to the develo
>> pers.
>>        [exec] Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a 
>> better
>> error message can be provided next time.
>>        [exec] Either send bugs to the mailing list at
>> <>,
>>        [exec] or report them in the tracker at
>> <>. Thanks!
>>        [exec] copying static files...
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while
>> executing this line:
>> C:\VPrograms\GeoTool\trunk\docs\build.xml:17: The following error occurred
>> while executing this line:
>> C:\VPrograms\GeoTool\trunk\docs\build.xml:42: exec returned: 1

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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