With Complex Features, there is the possibility of properties evaluating to multiple values (collections of values) rather than a single value. It should be possible to apply comparison operators (like "=", "<") and geometry operators (like overlaps/touches/etc) to multi-valued properties.

However, the current filter system in Geotools assumes a single value for each property.

Currently in app-schema, a work-around exists for making this work on mapped feature collections. This work-around only works when the filtering is applied to the mapping datastore, not when applying filters on already built complex features. Therefore it does not work in two situations
- in WMS styling files, it doesn't work.
- I am currently creating a new post-filtering system for a performance improved app-schema and I cannot use the old workaround any more.

Better would be provide proper support for filtering on multiple values in the actual filters.

I could not find any information on multi-valued properties in the OGC filter standard. But in XPath, the standard says that when comparing nodes with multiple values, the result should be the OR-ed aggregation of all possible combinations. My proposal is that the same principle would be applied to geotools filters.

Any comments?

See GEOT-3576

*Niels Charlier*

Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Phone: +61 8 6436 8914

Australian Resources Research Centre
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