On 18/11/12 22:20, Andrea Aime wrote:
> The OpenJDK7 will be useful instead for catching misuse of Treeset and
> for tests that have execution order dependencies (that is, the work if you
> run methodA, methodB, methodC, but fail if you run methodB, methodC,
> methodA)

Great work, Andrea, much appreciated.

For extra credit, surefire:test also has the runOrder flag for running 
tests in alternating forward and reverse order or random order, and 
forkMode+threadCount for multithreaded testing to break weak code. 
Because these flags make builds even more unstable, they are not always 
a appropriate, but might be interesting for *-extra-builds.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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