If you extract from arcSDE with a spatial filter, (BBOX,POLYGON) then it 
is filtered twice. The query to arcSDE has the spatial constraint so the 
correct no. of records is returned. However, in 
"FilteringFeatureReader.hasNext() we have: while 
(featureReader.hasNext()) { peek = featureReader.next(); if 
(filter.evaluate(peek)) { next = peek; return true; } } The filter is 
evaluated by filter.evaluate. In most cases, the all will pass. However, 
consider requesting only non-spatial attributes from the query. Ie SHAPE 
is not part of feature. The sde query still returns the correct no. of 
records, but filter.evaluate fails because it cant find the SHAPE 
property in the feature. So how to fix? Ideally, when arcSDE can do the 
spatial operation, then filter shouldnt be needed. However, the same 
problem would then arise when the spatial operator is one that JTS can 
handle but arcSDE cant. If SHAPE is forced into the property list for 
filtering, can it be removed in the returned features. (The use case is 
with WFS when wanting a single attribute about overlapped polygons, but 
definitely not wanting the very complex polygon geometry coming down the 

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