GeoTools 13-RC1 Released

     The GeoTools community is pleased to announce the availability of
     GeoTools 13-RC1
     the first release candidate of the GeoTools 13 series:


     This release is also available from our maven repository
     <>, and is made in
     conjunction with GeoWebCache 1.7-RC1 and GeoServer 2.7-RC1.

     We would like your feedback on these new features and improvements:

       * GeoPackage support is now compatible with QGIS and OGR.
       * The rendering engine has been overhauled with two new features:
           o Color-blending has been introduced as both a
             and Symbolizer
             vendorExtension allowing for a range of special effects
             Thanks to Cleveland Metro Parks for this improvement.
           o A FeatureTypeStyle
             "firstMatch" will stop at the first rule.
           o Anchor points are now supported.
       * The gt-css module is a brand-new implementation of css style
         support written in Java. Thanks to Andrea for brining this
         exciting approach to styling within easy reach of Java developers.
       * A new gt-solr data store is available for working with with
         Apache Solr <>
       * AbstractDataStore is now deprecated - please make plans to
         migrate to ContentDataStore.
           o There is an extensive ContentDataStore Tutorial
<> to
             help with your migration. Thanks to Travis for updating
             the initial tutorial used at FOSS4G.
           o PropertyDataStore has now been ported to use
             ContentDataStore, and a wide range of issues have been
             resolved during extensive QA testing (readers, events,
             transactions). We would like to thank Torben for this
             extensive work.
       * CSVDataStore has been improved with write access and the
         ability to work with different kinds of CSV files (including
         lat/lon and WKT). Thanks to Travis for this work.
       * The gt-wfs client has improved:
           o Better compatibility with MapServer.
           o Extensive work has been done to support WFS 2.0
             transacations. Thanks to Niels for this work.
           o Now supports WFS 2.0 stored queries. Thanks Sampo for this
       * Documentation continues to improve, now with a complete
         function list
       * For a full list of improvements since 13-beta, please see
         therelease notes

     Thanks to Ben Caradoc-Davies <> (Transient
     Software, New Zealand <>) for this release.

     About GeoTools 13

 * ContentDataStore Tutorial
   <> to
   help with migration from AbstractDataStore

Ben Caradoc-Davies<>
Software Engineer
Transient Software<>
New Zealand

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