On 04/03/15 03:30, Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:
>> Ok, I will check the test-suite and see if anything is broken by my
>> changes. Then I will prepare a pull request.
> I tried to run the app-schema online test-suite for postgis, but I have
> some issues in running it.
> The first one is this dependency:
> <dependency>
>      <groupId>org.geotools.data</groupId>
>      <artifactId>refdataset-1.0</artifactId>
>      <version>1.0.7</version>
>      <scope>test</scope>
> </dependency>
> Initially I thought it was a GeoTools module, but it seems I cannot find it
> anywhere in geotools source tree.
> Is the source of this module hosted anywhere?

Mauro, as far as I know, the data reference set exists only as a jar 
file. The management workflow is to obtain the jar, unzip it, edit the 
enclosed SQL, re-zip it, increment the version number, and manually 
deploy it to the osgeo maven repository.

Victor, has there been any change in this process? Is it documented?

Victor's documentation is here:

> Apart from that, the postgis init scripts contained in the jar, are not
> compatible with my version of postgis (2.0.x) because some functions have
> been renamed (dims -> st_dims, srid -> st_srid).

Yes, this is a known incompatibility, documented here:

> I fixed that locally, but many tests are still failing (currently trying on
> Windows, I will give it a chance on Linux too).> Unfortunately the tests are
> failing with or without the patch I am trying to introduce. Any suggestion
> for a good environment to run the tests on?

Should work anywhere, with PostGIS 2.0 or 2.1, and PostgreSQL 8.4, and 9 
up to 9.4.

See also the instructions in this Jira issue:

What failures are you seeing?

> I prepared a branch with the fix, if you want to have a look at it before I
> prepare a PR:
> https://github.com/mbarto/geotools/commit/1246d1b45aa74b80b4f063096895f99cb5e7cd60

Yes, will do.

> If you have any quick way to run the test-suite with my patch applied,
> please let me know.

All the documentation I know of is linked above and in the developer guide:

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <http://transient.nz>
New Zealand

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