GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2015-03-03


Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jukka Rahkonen
Andrea Aime
Kevin Smith
Jody Garnett
Torben Barsballe


- JIRA migration
- march release schedule
- (re)naming regression
- database tests
- foss4gna mini-sprint

Actions from last meeting

TB: Release 11.5 [DONE]
TB: Manual fix of 11.5 release in Jira [DONE]
BCD: Release candidate 13-RC1 / 2.7-RC1 [DONE]
BCD: Create Jenkins jobs for new stable branch [DONE]
KS: Release candidate GWC 1.7-RC1  [DONE]
JG: Ask Mike to merge doc pull requests in before RC1.
NC: Community module for geofence


- JG: Motion to move confluence to github wiki
- JG: (done) Ask OSGeo and Boundless about hosting Jira
- AA: (done) Ask GeoSolutions about hosting Jira - yes
- AA: Ask Atlassian for cloud hosting
- JG: Review WFS pull request from Niels

JIRA / Confluence migration

No matter what we do we will not get attachments/screensnaps.

Q: How many patches? 25 marked as with patch, probably more, the flag is 
not used much ...

Q: How many attachments (test data/screen snap)? 104 ..

Q: Can we use the API to grab the export with attachments!

Problem is this is painful / risky / etc ...

Q: Deadline?

- April 2nd taken offline
- May 17th de


1. Ask OSGeo - raised trac ticket - waiting to hear back
2. Ask Boundless to stand up Jira - waiting to hear back
3. migrate to github - no attachements

Export button here? Export to CSV.


1. discussion
2. attach large binaries (test data mostly)


1. Host Jira on OSGeo or Boundless. Try the csv export, and then 
manually copy attachments. Or use REST API to migrate.
2. Cloud offering? Alliasian offers a cloud hosting for selected open 
source projects.
3. Use github issue tarcker (there are ruby script to migrate from 
jira). There are third-party servies that fold this in, but not sure if 
we trust this to stay up. for example (based on 


1. Find a Jira
- Wait to hear back from OSGeo / Boundless / GeoSolutions
- Wait to hear back from Atlassian
2. Migrate using script
- Use REST API to manually migrate (script that)
- write down name of user or email address as a hidden field
- add a comment to origional jira linking to new ticket (for authors to 
3. Backup plan - migrate using CSV (and a massive work party)
- divide up by time or component to get it all done
- separate run to gather attachments and test data


Q: Confluence ... migrate to github wiki?

pandoc script from uDig? Andrea hacked something for GeoServer ... may 
need to reproduce :(

Priority for confluence migration:
- proposals
- about / history stuff

Re/name migrate:


Q: Who is renaming the style file names? A: Administrator warnings 
followed by manual rename.

Discussion on invalid characters.

Q: Can we fix the filename (and not the style name)?

- for new files check the name
- for old file names caution should be done about fixing the name

How bad can it be? ":" is confusing with workspace.

Some users have made layer names with "," or whitespace which break some 

Some names may be invalid in XML formats (due to encoding requirements).

See for list of issues.

- Have warnings (or skip content) that is invalid for a given protocol. 
Need to be responsive as user type the name.
- Have pop up a dialog? annoying ...
- Add service "validation" checkboxes so users can turn on "strict" 
(failure) or off (warning)
- Tools page that can perform a check of the whole data directory
- Add recomendations to documentation
- Add some more check to the REST API (on creation)

- Dwins tried adding validation to catalog (due to protocol differences) 
and prevented catalog from loading

- adding validation to catalog would be ideal (for GUI and REST) but 
prevents old catalog from loading. Could we modify this story so 
validation is not checked during load? Check validation with a listener? 
Raise a flag for "loading" and disable validation if that is set.

march release schedule

Travis and Jody are going to do that on March 18th.
Not enough feedback to require RC2.

database tests

Database online tests up and running ... and failing tests.


- PostGIS - expect two failures on LOB
- MySQL - not sure anyone cares
- Oracle? Notify Ben when avaiable ...
- SQL Server?

PostGIS failing (due to database being reset to before PostGIS is 

All of the JDBC GeoTools online tests are failing are due to change in 
JDBC Test Setup classes.

Note H2 tests were renamed to "Online" and are now skipped. Ben will 
rename that back...

Ben will fix by turning on the online profile for the h2 directory.

Note we may need to update the oracle jdbc driver we use ...

PostGIS jdbc driver LOB? Will need to remove one test when updating the 
jdbc driver. They changed the behaviour of string conversion but we do 
not really care ...

foss4gna mini-sprint

Who is going: Andrea, Jody, Travis, Torbien

Going to focus on running CITE tests and cleaning up the mess.

- This time get one CITE test running on the build server with new CITE 
Engine (don't care if passing or not)
- Way to specify which version of CITE test to run .. github revision or 
- A few people running CITE test locally for live debugging


- pull requests - andrea has reviewed
- niels pull request needs a review #757. Jody will review.
- ben has some demo requests for WFS 2.0. We should have some for WCS 
2.0 as well.
- status on Database XML snippet. #744. Look at FeatureTransformer.

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
Transient Software <>
New Zealand

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