I made a pull request for the changes on geoserver:

I've put it there already mainly to get commenting and reviewing going. 
But I do hope we can sort out how to get these changes in the official 
branches of geofence and geoserver soon!

Let me know what you think.


On 06-04-15 11:55, Niels Charlier wrote:
> Hi Emanuele,
> Are the geofence refactoring commits going to be pulled in the master 
> branch in the official repo?
> Because I almost have a pull ready for gs-geofence-server but it 
> depends on those changes being there.
> Also, I have found a work-around for my eclipse issue. While you can't 
> manipulate the dependency order of included projects from the GUI, 
> there is an order inside the config file behind it (.classpath file in 
> the project dir). The order of the pom doesn't seem to be respected, 
> but I can manually do it. After running maven eclipse:eclipse, I 
> manually edit the .classpath file and move the model-internal 
> dependency above the gs-geofence dependency. That is the best solution 
> for now, but still a bit annoying. There is another really annoying 
> thing in eclipse, there is an application-context.xml in test and it 
> reads it of course.
> Regards
> Niels
> On 02-04-15 13:01, Emanuele Tajariol wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>>> * Let gs-geofence also use model-internal, but it is probably not 
>>> desire
>>> to have all that unnecessary hibernate stuff loaded.
>> Exactly: the split model was created only because gs-geofence did 
>> import too
>> much hibernate stuff inside geoserver.
>>> * Make them different classes (or in different packages) but use
>>> interfaces instead for compatibility? Probably would require lots of
>>> refactoring inside geofence.
>>> * Can we somehow force geofence-server to use the classes from
>>> geofence-model-internal even if both are on the classpath? It seems 
>>> that
>>> java will always use the _first_ on the classpath, but eclipse doesn't
>>> recognise an order in project dependencies
>> These solutions are quite complex, and would be a workaround for a 
>> workaround
>> (the split model).
>> I guess the simpler way would be to only have a single model module, 
>> and to
>> remove the hibernate annotations using the hbm files instead.
>> I tried to use the hibernate tools for automatically creating the hbm 
>> files out
>> of the annotations, but they seemed quite bugged. Do you have any 
>> experience
>> with them?
>>     Cheers,
>>     Emanuele
>> Alle 12:17:37 di Thursday 2 April 2015, Niels Charlier ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a practical problem regarding the difference between
>>> geofence-model and geofence-model-internal.
>>> They both contain the same classes, but geofence-model removes the
>>> hibernate annotations from the build.
>>> gs-geofence uses geofence-model while gs-geofence-server needs
>>> gs-geofence-model-internal. I solved this earlier by putting an
>>> exclusion in the geofence-server profile of the web-app pom. The 
>>> problem
>>> is however eclipse. When you do mvn eclipse:eclipse inside web-app, 
>>> this
>>> works fine. However, eclipse doesn't add any of the geoserver 
>>> modules as
>>> "required projects" in the build path, but rather as regular external
>>> jar files, so you miss the relationship between the code and this 
>>> brings
>>> inconveniences while programming and debugging.
>>> To solve that you have to do eclipse:eclipse from the geoserver source
>>> root. But then eclipse doesn't recognise the exclusion... and keeps
>>> loading the classes from model. And geofence-server doesn't work 
>>> without
>>> the hibernate annotations.
>>> So, do you guys have any ideas for solutions?
>>> * Let gs-geofence also use model-internal, but it is probably not 
>>> desire
>>> to have all that unnecessary hibernate stuff loaded.
>>> * Make them different classes (or in different packages) but use
>>> interfaces instead for compatibility? Probably would require lots of
>>> refactoring inside geofence.
>>> * Can we somehow force geofence-server to use the classes from
>>> geofence-model-internal even if both are on the classpath? It seems 
>>> that
>>> java will always use the _first_ on the classpath, but eclipse doesn't
>>> recognise an order in project dependencies
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Regards
>>> Niels
>>> On 27-03-15 17:16, Emanuele Tajariol wrote:
>>>> Hi Niels,
>>>>> What does this setting do: "Use GeoServer roles to get
>>>>> authorizations"?
>>>>      GeofencePage.useRolesToFilter=Use GeoServer roles to get
>>>>      authorizations
>>>> it's related to this proposal:
>>>> https://github.com/geosolutions-it/geofence/wiki/Proposal-%233:-GeoServer 
>>>> - Roles-to-GeoFence-groups-mapping#configuration
>>>> It makes the AccessManager query geofence the authorization not for 
>>>> the
>>>> accessing user, but by the role the user is assigned in GeoServer
>>>> See also method setRuleFilterUserOrRole.
>>>> If the roles in geoserver are exactly the same as in geofence (as the
>>>> current integration work aims to) it should not matter, since the
>>>> resulting auths will be the same.
>>>> I mean: if the useRolesToFilter is set to true, the user-role matching
>>>> will be done in setRuleFilterUserOrRole. If it's set to false, such
>>>> matching will be performed inside geofence, using the metod
>>>> UserResolver::getRoles
>>>>      Cheers,
>>>>      Emanuele
>>>> Alle 16:50:58 di Friday 27 March 2015, Niels Charlier ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi Emanuele,
>>>>> Excellent. What does this setting do: "Use GeoServer roles to get
>>>>> authorizations"?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Niels
>>>>> On 27-03-15 14:49, Emanuele Tajariol wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Niels,
>>>>>>> The user/group integration work is that ready or does it still need
>>>>>>> work?
>>>>>> It's ready. The rule engine needs info about the user, the role and
>>>>>> their association. You can provide these info by implementing this
>>>>>> interface
>>>>>> https://github.com/etj/geofence/blob/201503_user_role_refact/src/servic 
>>>>>> es /core/services-
>>>>>> api/src/main/java/org/geoserver/geofence/spi/UserResolver.java
>>>>>> and aliasing this spring bean with the new implementation
>>>>>> https://github.com/etj/geofence/blob/201503_user_role_refact/src/servic 
>>>>>> es /core/services- 
>>>>>> impl/src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml#L24
>>>>>> The default UserResolver uses the DAO toward the geofence DB
>>>>>> https://github.com/etj/geofence/blob/201503_user_role_refact/src/servic 
>>>>>> es /core/services-
>>>>>> impl/src/main/java/org/geoserver/geofence/services/DefaultUserResolver. 
>>>>>> j ava
>>>>>> but I guess you'll have to return the users and roles actually 
>>>>>> used in
>>>>>> GeoServer.
>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>       Emanuele
>>>>>> Alle 21:23:40 di Thursday 26 March 2015, Niels Charlier ha scritto:
>>>>>>> On 26-03-15 16:49, Andrea Aime wrote:
>>>>>>>> Speaking of hibernate, wondering what might happens if geofence 
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> the monitoring hibernate extension are both loaded in GeoServer.
>>>>>>> Yeah I haven't tested with the hibernate extension yet. That could
>>>>>>> indeed cause more trouble
>>>>>>>> What if the GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR system variable is not defined? 
>>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>> not mandatory.
>>>>>>>> I guess you could create a subclass of PropertyOverrideConfigurer
>>>>>>>> depending on GeoServerResourceLoader and
>>>>>>>> get the base directory there.
>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>> You are right. Something similar has been done in the geofence 
>>>>>>> module
>>>>>>> for the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, will use the same principle.
>>>>>>> Consider the current version kind of a proof of concept, will still
>>>>>>> need to fine-tune it.
>>>>>>>> The other thing that bother me a bit, but it's GeoFence own fault,
>>>>>>>> it's this business of setting up the data source
>>>>>>>> inside the Spring context instead of creating it programmatically,
>>>>>>>> allowing the data source to be read from some
>>>>>>>> config file, and allow its re-configuration at runtime.
>>>>>>>> In the long run it would be best if the integrated GeoFence could
>>>>>>>> start off H2, but allowed configuration
>>>>>>>> to store the rules somewhere else at runtime, without need for
>>>>>>>> restarts.
>>>>>>> Yeah some of the client settings also require a restart for the 
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> reason. The server URL anyway, but that doesn't apply with the
>>>>>>> internal server.
>>>>>>> The user/group integration work is that ready or does it still need
>>>>>>> work?
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Niels

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