ContrastMethod is already a code list so you should be able to add the
options you need no problem.

The interface ContrastEnhancement is here:

public interface ContrastEnhancement {
  public ContrastMethod getMethod();
  Expression getGammaValue();

Where ContrastMethod is an enum:

public final class ContrastMethod extends CodeList<ContrastMethod> {
    public static final ContrastMethod NORMALIZE = new
    public static final ContrastMethod HISTOGRAM = new

ContrastMethod is a code list, like an enum exception can add to it from
anywhere. So please create a couple new ContrastMethod values and we can
get on with life.

Jody Garnett

On 4 August 2015 at 12:25, Ian Turton <> wrote:

> On 4 August 2015 at 19:26, Jody Garnett <> wrote:
>> Added my +1, got a couple questions/clarifications.
>> *ContrastMethod*
>> The proposal has been implemented in such a way that existing code will
>>> compile without change. One item to note is that `ContrastMethod.NORMALIZE`
>>> and `ContrastMethod.HISTOGRAM` are no longer enums but are now Strings.
>> That sentence seems indicates a break with API compatibility. Should this
>> change from an Enum to a CodeList (if the requirement is to add more
>> options at runtime while still retaining type safety). This would be less
>> of a break than changing to a String, indeed client code may not need to be
>> recompiled.
> Technically it is an API break (hence why i mentioned it :-)) - but since
> ContrastMethod has become an interface instead of a concrete class I don't
> think they can remain as enums. I haven't found anywhere in the code or the
> tutorials where this change will break the code base.  I suspect that
> anyone switching to 14.0 will need to recompile anyway?
>> I ask as changing some of these string constants to Enums gave a lot of
>> trouble when migrating from geotools style to geoapi style. And I do not
>> want to repeat the experience.
> Can you clarify this?
> To be clear I'm not adverse to doing the constants differently but I can't
> see a cleaner way now that ContrastEnhancement holds real objects instead
> of markers.
>> *Tasks*
>> The tasks section is just boiler plate, I am always interested in making
>> sure we do not miss anything (interface/implementation/tests/docs/update
>> instructions) and confirm resourcing needs are met or we need to ask for a
>> volunteer.
>> In this case are you comfortable writing a documentation example or do
>> you need me to volunteer.
>> I'm already planning to update the docs as soon as we nail down exactly
> what the parameter names and algorithms will be.
> Cheers
> Ian
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