I would like to un-deprecate all the multi-font methods that
have been deprecated for a while in GeoTools, and that
utterly broke multi-font support for a number of years.

The methods in questions are in this interface:

Why this was a mistake:
* SLD 1.0 is still supported, and so we should avoid throwing away the
extra fonts that can be declared
  as fallbacks like the current TextSymbolizerImpl does (in order to align
with that deprecation)
* SLD 1.0 is for once more expressive than SE 1.1, so deprecating those
methods is a functional regression.

The second statement warrants an explanation. In SE 1.1 a Font can have
multiple font families,
but can still have only one of the other attributes, so all font families
are cast to use the same
size... which is pretty ridiculous, I believe that everybody ever using a
word processor noticed
how monospaced fonts tend to be bigger than non monospaced ones, don't know
about you,
but I normally bring monospaced fonts size down 1 or 2 points to compensate.

Or, you could be referring a font that's italic/scripty in its normal state
(and don't want to slant it further), but as a fallback,
you might want to ask for a Serif italic instead.

Generally speaking, there are reasons why one would want to control size,
weight and slant
on a per fallback font basis, and SE does not allow that.

The change requires to un-deprecate the methods in the interface, fix the
and some bits of code that don't have support for multiple fonts (like
The single font method versions would remain as support for SE, and to
support the simple cases
where the extra flexibility is not needed/desired.

Btw, this is part of some work I'm doing to support multiscript labels,
e.g., in some parts of China
the OSM database has road names with a string having latin, chinese and
arab chars (in the
same string), and we'll leverage the ability to support multiple font
families to specify which
fonts to try in order to render the various parts of the string (this is
going to be automatic).
People using SE as the language will get a slightly crippled support, as
they won't be able
to fine tune the different font sizes and whatnot like those that use SLD

Of course, people using code to setup the styling won't have any problem :-p

As a possible alternative, we could downgrade SLD 1.0 flexibility to SE 1.1
one, keep the
deprecations, but TextSymbolizerImpl would still have to be modified not to
eat away
the extra fonts like it does today (SLDParser sets n fonts, TextSymbolizer
retains only
the first).

CSS wise, there is not support for multiple fonts right now (not even for
the family),
not sure if I'll managed to work on that too, but it's unrelated (the
limitation was
already there) and the module is unsupported anyways.


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