GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2015-12-01


Ben Caradoc-Davies
Kevin Smith
Jody Garnett
Jukka Rahkonen
Ian Turton
Niels Charlier
Torben Barsballe
Andrea Aime


- PSC changes
- uDig problems with Boundless Maven repository
- Resource API migration
- Jetty / Spring version upgrade
- Java 8 change


- Jody: update GeoServer PSC list [DONE]
- Ben: email Ian and Brad to ask if interested in joining PSC
- Ben: merge ResourceStore changes
- Ben: switch GeoServer and GeoTools master to Java 8
- Kevin: switch GeoWebcache master to Java 8
- Ian Turton to release GeoServer this month
- Jody: release milestone

Actions from last meeting

- Jody: merge GeoTools PR #1030 and backport to 14.x for 14.1/2.8.1 
[DEFERRED see #1055]
- Jody: merge GeoTools PR #1048 for 14.x for 14.1 release [DONE]
- Ben: release 14.1/2.8.1 [DONE]
- Alessio: release 2.7.4
- Ben: simplify Jira workflow for GeoTools and GeoServer [DONE]
- Jody: call for nominations for PSC on mailing list
- Jody: nominate Kevin Smith for PSC on mailing list [DONE]
- Kevin: GeoTools / GeoServer - change from snapshot to main (to prevent 
HTTP 409). Kevin will prepare pull request [DONE]

PSC changes

- Kevin Smith joins the GeoServer PSC
- Phil Scadden steps down from the GeoServer PSC
- Ask for user representative?
- Look for individuals who has been active on the user mailing list?
   a) Ian Turton
   b) Brad Hards

- Action [Done] Update

- Action: email Ian and Brad to ask for interest

uDig problems with Boundless Maven repository

- Should be solved
   - Original repo failed in september
   - Http redirect and http proxy pointing to artifactoryonline did not 
work out as replacement
   - Now DNS changed to directly reference 
artifactory online
- uDig repo may not yet have been restored?

ResourceStore API migration

Here is the wiki page:

- This is not a new proposal, it is the "second half" of the proposal

- Large pull request exceeds GitHub limits, last 57 files show no 
changes (so look at individual commits!)
- GitHub support apologise, plan to implement a warning notice

- This can use extra testing during review/merge (request a couple of 
hours testing before merge)
- Or apply to master and ask for nightly-build testing
- Include in a milestone? Yes.

- Jody: Consider testing this with new version of spring / jetty?
- Ian: how to tell what caused failure?
- Niels: no more pending changes - this is good to go
- Resolution of base directory access question? Via GeoServerResourceLoader.

Q: try-with-resource syntax? Could not fix for rest module due to 
pom.xml setting. A: fix it!
Q: Ben can you review and merge? A: yes!

Jetty / Spring version upgrade

Spring appears low risk:
- applied to master, low-risk to backport.

Jetty requires testing:
- Boundless uses Jetty 7.6.13.v20130916 (we jumping to 9.2 so it does 
not help)
- Jody will volunteer to make a milestone release. Send to user list.
- After testing of milestone, we can make decision about backport

Q: Do we know Justin's timeframe? Ask on mailing list ...

Java 8

Volunteers to switch the codebase to java 8.

Action:[Kevin] Confirm ares has OpenJDK and Oracle Java 8?

Warning: build times with java 8 are slower ...

Release Schedule


Ian volunteers for 2015-12-18 GeoTools 13.5 / GeoServer 2.7.5.

Pull requests
- waiting on feedback :)
- having some trouble communicating design with ahuarte47, fixes in 
isolation address the specific issue, but break the larger design (for 
example loading features into memory to count). Continue reviewing pull 
request, consider breakout IRC meeting if needed.


Reminder sign up here, deadline Dec 10th:


- Defer Java 8 upgrade until after milestone to avoid entanglements

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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